.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _admin-manual: Administrator Manual ==================== The HipChat extension provides methods to access the HipChat Rest API. Configuration is straightforward currently - only API Token, Room Name and »From« are required after installation. Installation ------------ Create a HipChat API Token for TYPO3 HipChat on the HipChat website https://www.hipchat.com/ if not already done. A notification token is sufficient in the current version of this extension. Create Token ^^^^^^^^^^^^ To create a token, sign in in on the HipChat site, navigate to »Group Admin« > API and create a token. .. figure:: ../Images/AdministratorManual/HipChatCreateToken.png :width: 306px :alt: Create Token Form Create Token Form for HipChat API .. tip:: A notification (1) token is sufficient in the current version of this extension. Use any token label (2) you like. Manage Tokens ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If the token has been created successfully, you should see it in the list view of the token overview for HipChat. .. figure:: ../Images/AdministratorManual/HipChatAPIManagement.png :width: 800px :alt: Token Overview HipChat Token overview Install and configure HipChat extension ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Now install the extension and fill in the token value (1) and the room name (2). The room **must** exist and the name must be exactly the same as in HipChat. Choose a »from« name. Log out and in to test notifications. **Note:** The ``hipChatCurlVerifySsl`` setting is for TYPO3 < 6.2 only. In TYPO3 >= 6.2 the Install Tool setting will be taken. .. figure:: ../Images/AdministratorManual/HipChatExtensionOptions.png :width: 800px :alt: Extension Options Extension Options for HipChat - fill with your values In the **Notification** tab you may choose the desired way of notification tranmission. Choose email (disables HipChat notifications), HipChat and email notifications (default), or HipChat only to disable email notification. .. figure:: ../Images/AdministratorManual/HipChatExtensionNotificationOptions.png :width: 800px :alt: Extension Notification Options Extension Notification Options for HipChat - select your desired way of notification Example Notifications --------------------- If everything went right, you should see your logins in your HipChat room. .. figure:: ../Images/AdministratorManual/HipChatScreenshotLoginNotifications.png :width: 800px :alt: HipChat Screenshot of Login Notifications in HipChat Client