.. You may want to use the usual include line. Uncomment and adjust the path. .. include:: ../Includes.txt ====================== EXT: IDAA FE Utilities ====================== :Author: Kasper Skårhøj :Created: 2002-11-01T00:32:00 :Changed by: Jörg Körner :Changed: 2007-06-01T18:53:23 :Author: Jörg Körner :Email: jk@idaa-net.de :Info 3: :Info 4: .. _EXT-IDAA-FE-Utilities: EXT: IDAA FE Utilities ====================== Extension Key: **idaa\_fe\_utilities** Copyright 2000-2002, Jörg Körner, This document is published under the Open Content License available from http://www.opencontent.org/opl.shtml The content of this document is related to TYPO3 \- a GNU/GPL CMS/Framework available from www.typo3.com .. _Table-of-Contents: Table of Contents ----------------- **EXT: My Extension 1** **Introduction 1** What does it do? 1 Screenshots 1 **Users manual 1** FAQ 1 **Adminstration 1** FAQ 2 **Configuration 2** FAQ 2 Reference 2 **Tutorial 2** **Known problems 2** **To-Do list 2** **Changelog 2** .. _Introduction: Introduction ------------ .. _What-does-it-do: What does it do? ---------------- idaa\_fe\_utilities is a collection of fe development helpers. Main Functions are: - Template rendering with automatically translated ###LL-???### Markers by using locallang.xml - Form and field rendering such as input, select, textarea and so on. - Error Message handling - CSV import into array - POST- and GET-Request generation out of the extension you develop. But curl must be loaded in your php. - Sending Mails with attachment - You can store application settings in DB to save, display and edit them in frondend. .. _Screenshots: Screenshots ----------- |img-1| .. _Users-manual: Users manual ------------ **To use idaa\_fe\_utilities in your own extension just copy the following lines into your code:** ***In header of your script:*** require\_once(t3lib\_extmgm::extPath('idaa\_fe\_utilities').'lib/class .idaa\_fe\_utilities.php'); ***In main() function:*** $this->util = t3lib\_div::makeInstance('idaa\_fe\_utilities'); $this->util->init($this,$this->templateCode); From now your can access all functions of use idaa\_fe\_utilities by using: $this->util ->functionName() For use of automatically translation you have to call $this->pi\_loadLL(); before $this->util->init($this,$this->templateCode); **Function list ( complete description follows soon I hope)** To see what happens, just take a look in $subpartArray by using debug($subpartArray); Since Typo3 4.0 you have to enable the debug function in Install-Tool first. The following form field functions produces markers like ###FF-name of field### ***renderForm*** ($subpartArray, $name, $method, $params); ***renderInput*** ($subpartArray, $type, $name, $value, $params, $keepValues,$emptyValue); ***renderTextarea*** ($subpartArray, $name, $value, $params, $keepValues); ***renderSelect*** ($subpartArray, $type ,$name, $value, $aOptions, $params, $keepValues); ***renderRadio*** ($subpartArray, $name, $aOptionValues, $value, $params, $keepValues); ***renderDate*** ($subpartArray, $formName, $name, $value, $params, $keepValues); ***renderTemplate*** ($subpartArray, $section); by using this function all ###LL-index### markers will be replaced by the values under “index” in locallang.xml of your extension. Markers starting with ###LL-ERROR- or ###LL-MESSAGE- will be removed if no error or message hase been added while current request. ***setLLReplacement*** ('label-index',replacement); Replacement can be an String or an Array like this:array('A','B','C'); in your locallang.xml you hav to set Markers like this: would result in Some Static Text A More B Text C ***renderErrorsAndMessages*** ($subpartArray); Mainly for internal use by function ***renderTemplate*** ($subpartArray, $section) ***addError*** ($value[,replacement]); Where replacement can be an array or an String. In locallang.xml you can use replacement as follows: or if replacemet is an array like this: array('A','B','C'); would result in Some Static Text A More B Text C ***noErrors*** (); ***addMessage*** ($value[,replacement]); using similar to addError(); ***loadCsvIntoArray*** ($file,$firstRowIsHeadline); ***get*** ($url); ***post*** ($url, $vars); ***sendMail*** ($to, $from, $subject, $message, $file,$fileAlias,$asHtml); All form fields can be layouted by using following class-schema : **Field Classes Renderd Field** input input, input-[fieldname] textarea textarea, textarea-[fieldname]