.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _configuration: The language detection is only called when "https://www.example.com" was entered, but all sites have "https://www.example.com/lang-key/". The configuraion is done in the site YAML config file (e.x. typo3conf/sites/website/config.yaml) Configuration Reference ======================= the configuration looks like .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 6-15 languageDetection: debug: false appendPath: false defaultLanguageId: 2 aliases: - alias: en languageId: '0' - alias: it languageId: '0' the attributes are: .. container:: ts-properties =========================== ============== =============================================================== ==================== Property Data type Description Default =========================== ============== =============================================================== ==================== defaultLanguageId integer Language Uid taken if nothing is found 0 aliases array map other languages to the available languages alias string iso-639-1 of the language to map languageId integer The language id debug boolean if true - no redirect, debug infos are displayed false appendPath boolean should the requested path appended? (translated error pages) false =========================== ============== =============================================================== ==================== language detection ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the order of the tests are: * the accepted languages of the browser (in the order of the quality) are compared to the available languages of the site, if found this language is choosen * the aliases are compared, if found the language with the id "languageId" is taken * defaultLanguageId is taken * language id 0