===================== Project Information ===================== The imia_base Extension started with the intention to create a standardized configuration for alle TYPO3 Projects for the Company `IMIA net based solutions`_. But it soon grew in size as more and more features were added. Now it's a great extension to start your new project with, especially if you want to use `Flux`_ as your TYPO3 Template engine and to use `Compass`_ for css preprocessing. .. _IMIA net based solutions: http://www.imia.de .. _Compass: http://www.compass-style.org Features ============================ * TypoScript Improvements * Static TypoScript with .ts Ending (additionally to .txt) * Relative Includes for Static TypoScript * Assetic for including Javascripts & Stylesheets with Filters * Compass (SASS/SCSS) * CssEmbed * YUI Compressor * Base Configuration for TYPO3 * HTML5-Tag with IE-Conditions (Boilerplate-Style) * PageTS * defaultLanguage: german (de) * newContentElement renderMode: tabs * defaultAccess permissions for pages * default RTE config * TypoScript * default assetic configuration * imia.base.pagetitle (rootline-based page title) * User-Functions, Helpers * Canonical Url userFunc * Cache-Utility * ExtensionUtility * registerPageIcon * addDisplayCond * Helper * addDynamicConfiguration (baseUrl, realUrl-Config, language-TypoScript) based on created domain records and languages * convertHex2RGB * Core- and Extensions Bugfixes * Rsaauth patch for multiple logins on same page (http://forge.typo3.org/issues/24877) Releases ============================ You can download the latest version of this extension in the `TER (imia_base)`_. The source code is maintained by `David Frerich`_ on `Bitbucket`_. Feedback is gladly seen, so submit your `Tickets`_ or `Pull-Requests`_. .. _TER (imia_base): http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/imia_base .. _David Frerich: https://bitbucket.org/cdfre .. _Bitbucket: https://bitbucket.org/imia_de/t3ext-imia-base .. _Tickets: https://bitbucket.org/imia_de/t3ext-imia-base/issues .. _Pull-Requests: https://bitbucket.org/imia_de/t3ext-imia-base/pull-requests Bugs and Known Issues ============================ Bugs can be reported on the Bitbucket `Bug Tracker`_. No bug or issue is known to date. .. _Bug Tracker: https://bitbucket.org/imia_de/t3ext-imia-base/issues?status=new&status=open Change Log ============================ `Bitbucket Commits`_ .. _Bitbucket Commits: https://bitbucket.org/imia_de/t3ext-imia-base/commits/all