.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. _typo3: TYPO3 ===== The TYPO3 plugin applies the following changes to the kreXX standard behavior: - The log folder is set to :literal:`typo3temp/tx_includekrexx/log`. - The chunks folder is set to :literal:`typo3temp/tx_includekrexx/chunks`. - The configuration folder is set to :literal:`typo3temp/tx_includekrexx/config`. - Blacklisting of several debug methods, to prevent errors. - Make use of the TYPO3 implementation for the IP filter, because it is more versatile than the kreXX version. - Additional analysis for :literal:`EXT:` filepath and :literal:`LLL:` language strings.