.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../Includes.txt What does it do? ================ kreXX will either be called from the fluid template: .. code-block:: html {_all} {_all} Or from within the PHP source code: .. code-block:: php krexx($myObject); | **Key features:** - Dumping of protected properties - Dumping of private properties - Dumping of traversable data - Dumping of getter method data - Dumping of class metadata like interfaces, traits, class comments, inheritance. - Configurable debug callbacks, which will be called on objects (if present). The output will then be dumped. - Analysis of the methods of objects (comments, where declared, parameters). Comment dumping supports :literal:`{@inheritdoc}`. - Output is draggable and has a closing button. - All features can be globally configured with a backend editor. - Most features can be configured locally in the browser. The settings will be stored in a cookie. - Configurable local opening function, to prevent other developers from calling your debug commands. - IP mask to allow only some IPs (or IP ranges) to trigger kreXX. - Output can be saved to an output folder. Very useful in m2m communication or ajax. - Backend access to the logfiles with a file dispatcher. - Frontend access to the logfiles with the 9.5'er Admin Panel. - Several safety measures to prevent prevent hangups with too large memory usage or a timeout. - Benchmarking - Fatal error handler with a full backtrace (PHP5 only). - Exception handler with a full backtrace. - Code generation to reach the displayed values, if possible. - Debugger for the magical methods and properties of the Aimeos shop system. - Debugger for Fluid - Advanced analysing of error objects - Analysis of :literal:`JSON` and :literal:`XML` strings - Analysis of Flexform data string. | | .. figure:: ../Images/main_function.png :width: 714px :alt: Analysis of an extbase query result Analysis of an extbase query result