.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. _html-content: HTML content ^^^^^^^^^^^^ HTML content is weighted by the indexing engine in this order: #. -data #. <meta-keywords> #. <meta-description> #. <body> In addition you can insert markers as HTML comments which define which part of the body-text to include or exclude in the indexing: The marker is :code:`<!--TYPO3SEARCH\_begin-->` or :code:`<!--TYPO3SEARCH\_end-->`. Rules: #. If there is no marker at all, everything is included. #. If the first found marker is an "end" marker, the previous content until that point is included and the preceeding code until next "begin" marker is excluded. #. If the first found marker is a "begin" marker, the previous content until that point is excluded and preceeding content until next "end" marker is included. #. If there are multiple marker pairs in HTML, content from in between all pairs is included.