============= Documentation ============= ---------------- What does it do? ---------------- - Nicer icons for search results of extension indexed_search. - Support for more file types like .odt and .odp. - Different icon sets (windows style in different icon sizes, icons from freepik). - File width and height of icons adjustable. ----------- Screenshots ----------- .. figure:: Documentation/screenshot1.png Windows style, size 32x32. .. figure:: Documentation/screenshot2.png Freepik icons, size 48x48 (please read readme.txt in icon folder for license details). ------------- Configuration ------------- - Install in extension manager - Add the static template “Icons for indexed_search” in field “Include static (from extensions)” in your ROOT page - Configure it with TypoScript constants TS Constants ============ Your configuration options: .. figure:: Documentation/screenshot3.png Configuration in constant editor. ---------- To-Do list ---------- You have ideas? Contact me! --------- ChangeLog --------- See file **ChangeLog** in the extension directory.