.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _admin-manual: Administrator Manual ==================== As an administrator your only task is the correct installation: Installation ------------ 1. Please install the extension via the ``extension manager`` in typo3. Make sure, that the sysext ``filemetadata`` is installed beforehand. 2. On your root page, please include the static template ``Internal Files``, by clicking on ``Web`` -> ``Template``, selecting your root page, going to ``Info/Edit`` -> ``Edit complete template record`` -> ``Include`` and by then adding the static template ``Internal Files`` in the right select box. 3. Finally create a ``.htaccess`` file in the folder in your file system that you want to secure against unauthorized access. The ``.htaccess`` file's content should be:: # Enable URL rewriting RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php?tx_internalfiles[bypassrealurl]=true&type=665&PATH_TO_THIS_FOLDER/tx_internalfiles_mapper[file]=$1&tx_internalfiles_mapper[storage]=1 [L] .. note:: Replace ``PATH_TO_THIS_FOLDER`` by the relative path to the secure folder from the root of the underlying storage (e.g. if your folder is ``fileadmin/folder/subfolder/secure``, then ``PATH_TO_THIS_FOLDER`` is ``folder/subfolder`` and the storage is ``fileadmin``). .. note:: Please make sure, that the uid of the storage your secure folder lies in is set correctly via the URL parameter ``tx_internalfiles_mapper[storage]=uid`` in the ``.htaccess``. If your folder lies in ``fileadmin`` (auto-generated typo3 folder) then the uid 1 is correct. Otherwise you might change the storage uid to the correct value (2, 3, ...). .. tip:: An example ``_.htaccess`` file is located in ``EXT:internalfiles/Resources/Private``) 4. Normally that should be it. Now every file in your selected folder is secured. You have to grant a feuser group access to a file via ``File`` -> ``File List`` and by editing a file's metadata in your secure folder under ``Access``, before the file can be viewed by a logged in frontend user with the correct feuser group. Optional: ^^^^^^^^^ - You can change the default ``pageType 665`` for accessing the InternFilesMapper, by setting a different value in your typoscript setup in your root page (see above on how to get to your typoscript template): .. code-block:: typoscript plugin.tx_internalfiles_mapper { settings { mapperPageType = 665 } } .. note:: Then of course you'll have to change the URL parameter ``type=665`` in your ``.htaccess`` file. - You can of course secure multiple folders against unauthorized access. Each folder has to contain a ``.htaccess`` file with the correct value for ``PATH_TO_THIS_FOLDER`` and for the ``tx_internalfiles_mapper[storage]`` URL parameter with the corresponding folder's storage uid.