.. include:: ../Includes.txt Development ----------- Hooks ^^^^^ Hooks will be used for any non-extbase code. An Extension to demonstrate the usage of the hooks is available in TER (Extension-key jh_magnificpopup_hookexamples) Available hooks """"""""""""""" .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 5 :titlesonly: :glob: AjaxHook/Index AnimationEffectsHook/Index Signal-Slot-Dispatcher ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Signal-Slot-Dispatcher is the extbase way of giving the opportunity to have some custom methods called at a certain process. Signals will be used for extbase-code. Available signals """"""""""""""""" .. container:: ts-properties ===================================================== ============================================================ ================================= Class Method Parameter ===================================================== ============================================================ ================================= MagnificpopupController showAction data, settings, viewAssign ===================================================== ============================================================ ================================= **data**: Data from contentObject (known as cObj), used by the extension **settings**: Settings of the extension, global settings from TypoScript and local settings from plugin are merged already **viewAssign**: Array that will be assigned to the fluid tempalte