This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.


Version Changes
1.3.2 * [BUG] #63 TYPO3 8 and mergeIfNotBlank Problem

* [TASK] Remove TYPO3 6.2 support

* [BUG] #59 Absolute URL for “og:url”

* [TASK] #57 Move TCA modifications to Configuration/TCA/Overrides


* [TASK] #54 Compatibility with TYPO3 8

* [BUGFIX] #51 Non realURL urls rendered/generated


* [FOLLOWUP][BUGFIX] #48 #52 Error after installation

* [BUGFIX] #53 Change composer.json typo3/cms requirement to OR instead of AND

1.2.5 * [BUGFIX] #46 Error after installation
1.2.4 * [BUGFIX] #47 Current composer version not in sync with ext_emconf.php
1.2.3 * [BUGFIX] #45 Prepend a space to og namespace declaration

* [TASK] Change description field to textarea

* [BUGFIX] #37 Not localized og tag on FE

1.2.1 * [BUGFIX] #32 og:image:type, width, height fails for TS image

* [TASK] Update documentation

* [ENHANCEMENT] #30 Add image details (size, mime)

* [ENHANCEMENT] #29 Conflicts with news 3.2.4 (Skip tx_jhopengraphprotocol for single news view, as EXT:news adds dedicated og-properties)

* [ENHANCEMENT] #26 Add composer.json

* [ENHANCEMENT] #25 Overwrite tags from extbase


* [BUGFIX] #16 Can’t use method return value in write context

* [ENHANCEMENT] #18 max character limit of the OG:description tag

* [TASK] #19 Update copyright year to 2016

* [TASK] #20 Implement PSR-2 standard

* [BUGFIX] #21 Wrong closing tag in template


* Removed support for TYPO3 CMS 4.5-6.1

* Added support for TYPO3 CMS 7.x

* Use FAL for image-relations (Please see To version 1.1.0 for updating)

* Wrong local output (replace ‘-‘ by ‘_’, remove charset)

* Add newline after each tag

* Rewritten documentation


* Fixed TYPO3 forge bug #66993 and #67231

* Still support for TYPO3 CMS 4.5-6.1


* Added htmlentities() to some more og-properties

* Last version to support TYPO3 CMS 4.5-6.1

1.0.2 * Security fix, please update

* fixed bug #56813

* updated manual to ReST


* added support for TYPO3 CMS 6.2

* introduced some breaking changes (see manual)

* rewritten manual


* moved constants from category ‘jh_opengraphprotocol’ to ‘plugin.jh_opengraphprotocol’

* try to use page-description if there is no local description

* moved local page-settings to an own tab

* updated manual

0.2.2 * fixed a bug that crashed the localconf
0.2.1 * fixed a bug in multilanguage support (alternative language has not been displayed)
0.2.0 * added support for multilanguage pages

* plugin.jh_opengraphprotocol.image supports the EXT: prefix now

* og:image is now forced to be prepended with a scheme and host


* uses the new hook of EXT:jh_opengraph_ttnews to prevent from two og:tag groups (thanks to Bernhard Kraft)

* set extension-state to stable

* added dependency to TYPO3 CMS

* added conflict with EXT:jh_opengraph_ttnews < 0.0.10

* updated manual

0.0.7 * bugfix: when using EXT:jh_opengraph_ttnews the og:tags has been displayed twice - one from jh_opengraphprotocol and one from jh_opengraph_ttnews now, jh_opengraphprotocol renders no output if there is a tt_news single view
0.0.6 * Variable $extKey was not defined, what made the additionalHeaderData array use the standard 1,2,3… numbers instead of the full string for keys.
0.0.5 * bugfix (constant.txt is now saved as an ANSI encoded file)

* bugfixes

* now compatible with CoolURI

* set extension-state to beta

0.0.3 * beauty-related fixes

* optimized html output

* bugfixes

* added icon

* added manual

0.0.1 * Initial release