============================================== Documentation for TYPO3 extension just_sitemap ============================================== Installation ============ Install via composer -------------------- .. code-block:: shell composer require spooner-web/just_sitemap Install via Extension Manager ----------------------------- 1. Open Extension Manager in TYPO3 backend 2. Search for ``just_sitemap`` 3. Download and install it Integrators Guide ================= Integrate extension ------------------- 1. Create page for the sitemap 2. Hide page in menus 3. Add a template record and include static template 4. Add a content element and select ``Google Sitemap`` 5. Select the root page(s) and the recursive level to get all pages 6. Go to the page ``[yourdomain]/index.php?id=[page_with_sitemap]&type=711 Add doktype to pages not shown ------------------------------ By default the doktypes ``3,4,6,199,254,255`` are not shown in the sitemap. You can add more doktypes, e.g. doktype 12 with: .. code-block:: typoscript plugin.tx_justsitemap.doktypesToIgnore := addToList(12) Enhancing extension ------------------- By adding template, partial and layout paths to ``lib.fluidContent`` with their subsections ``templateRootPaths``, ``partialRootPaths`` and ``layoutRootPaths`` you can create own templates and override the original ones. To change the markup of the news listing you can add this code into TypoScript: .. code-block:: typoscript lib.fluidContent { templateRootPaths { 40 = EXT:my_ext/Resources/Private/Templates } partialRootPaths { 40 = EXT:my_ext/Resources/Private/Partials } layoutRootPaths { 40 = EXT:my_ext/Resources/Private/Layouts } } ToDo list ========= * Add priority into sitemap (would be best by handling it by the tree level) * Add records (like news or other) to the sitemap * Add frequency into sitemap (own field in page?) Contribute ========== Feel free to contribute or test the extension! Here you can get in contact: * `GitLab project`_ * `GitHub project (just a mirror)`_ * `Slack channel`_ .. _GitLab project: https://git.spooner.io/spooner/just_sitemap .. _GitHub project (just a mirror): https://github.com/spoonerWeb/just_sitemap .. _Slack channel: https://typo3.slack.com/messages/ext-just_sitemap/