This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Searchbox on every page

Include searchbox with HTML

# searchbox pure HTML
lib.searchbox_html = TEXT
lib.searchbox_html.value (
<form method="get" id="form_kesearch_searchfield" name="form_kesearch_searchfield" action="/search/">
  <input type="text" id="ke_search_searchfield_sword" name="tx_kesearch_pi1[sword]" placeholder="Your search phrase" />
  <input type="submit" id="ke_search_searchfield_submit" alt="Find" />

# Default PAGE object:
page = PAGE
page.5 < lib.searchbox_html
page.10 < styles.content.get

The action “/search/” ist the slug of the page you created with your result list plugin.

Include searchbox with Typoscript

Via Typoscript you can include the search box plugin on every page.

Right now this is only possible without filters. If you need filters, it’s recommended to include the searchbox as content element and then inherit that element to subpages.

You can either include the plugin directly or use HTML to create a search box.

Attention: If you use COA_INT no static cache is possible. You should use the HTML version in this case.

You can include the searchbox as follows.

# Searchbox Plugin
lib.searchbox_plugin = COA_INT
lib.searchbox_plugin {
  10 < plugin.tx_kesearch_pi1

  # result page
  10.resultPage = 123

  # CSS file
  10.cssFile = EXT:ke_search/res/ke_search_pi1.css

  # Content element (search box plugin) from which additional
  # configuration should be loaded (UID of content element).
  # Important: If you have two search boxes on your result page
  # (eg. in the top and in the left area), you should set this value!
  # 10.loadFlexformsFromOtherCE = 123456

The number 123 in this case is a placeholder for the page ID you created with your result list plugin.