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T3 Backend Modification

Author:Marc Finnern <>
Rendered:2018-11-26 22:06
Extension Key:kf_backend_mod
Keywords:forAdmins, forDevelopers, backendModification, T3 Backend

Copyright 2015-2017, Marc Finnern <>

This document is published under the Open Content License available from The content of this document is related to TYPO3 - a GNU/GPL CMS/Framework available from

What does it do?

It’s modify the Backend-view. I think the best view is a small view and not the largest icons in T3. This modification reduce the icon and allow to modifiy some css stlyes in backend. Also i use a small jquery script to reduce the content in the previewfields.

  • smaller Icons (reduce to: 32x32px > 20x20px;)
  • javascript to crop long texte (maxLength = 250)
  • save-icons not in dropdown, Icons next to each other (faster to save, save and new, save and close)


  • Smaller Icons in the sidebar with navigation to saving space


  • Saveicons in the front of the elements, dont have a dropdownmenü.
