.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../Includes.txt Configuration and extending =========================== The configuration options are placed in the settings manager. When changing the configuration here, be sure to clear all caches afterwards. .. figure:: ../Images/em_configuration.png :width: 1249px :align: left :alt: Extension manager configuration for LazyFxx Screenshot from the settings manager, where you can find the configuration options. Please clear the cache after saving the configuration. Namespace of the processor classes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The namespace of the processor classes that you want to use. Folder with the processor classes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Here you can enter a folder with the processor classes. When cleaning the system cache, this folder will be parsed and all containing processor classes will be available. The containing classes will not be autoloaded, so you have to use an extension to provide them. Use default processor ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you use this option, the redakteur will not be able to choose the image processor for the lazy loading. The default processor will be used. From the provided processors, this is the :literal:`Grayscale and Blur` processor, because it makes the image really small. The default processor is set via TypScript: .. code-block:: typoscript plugin.tx_lazyfxx.settings { # Defining the default processor. default = Brainworxx\Lazyfxx\Processors\GrayscaleBlurProcessor } Use X-Classes for the ViewHelpers ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you check this option, LazyFxx will use X-Classes to add its functionality to the frontend. The following ViewHelpers will be X-Classes: - - Whenever one of these ViewHelpers is used in your templates, LazyFxx is also used. Of cause X-Classing them may cause trouble elsewhere, and you may want to choose when you actually provide lazy loading on the frontend. That is why we have provided ViewHelpers for this purpose: .. code-block:: html The options for these VewHelpers are exactly the same as for the standard image anf media ViewHelpers. We have provided a uri viewhelper to get the path to the processed image. As wit hte other two viewhelpers, the options are exactly the same as the ones from the original viewhelper. .. code-block:: html