.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../Includes.txt Usage in Fluid ============== Viewhelpers ^^^^^^^^^^^ LazyFxx is used inside the fluid templates. We hve provides three viewhelpers for this: - Image viewhelper - Media viewhelper - Uri viewhelper Those are essential the same as their original core counterparts. .. code-block:: html There is however an additional argument: :literal:`overwriteProcessor`. Here you can overwrite the configured processor class. Use only the processor, and not the JavaScript ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ There are a lot of awesome lazyloading js libs out there. You do not have to use the provided library. Simply do the following: - Use the uri viewhelper to get the uri of the lazy image - Remove the js and css from the typoscript .. code-block:: typoscript page.includeJSFooterlibs.lazyfxx > page.includeCSS.lazyfxx > Use only the JavaScript and not the processor ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you do not want to use the image processing of TYPO3 and only want to use the java script part, you only need to do the following: - The src needs to point to the placeholder image. - Add the class :literal:`lazyload-placeholder` to your image. - Add the attribute :literal:`data-src` with the path to the image you want to load. - Make sure that the files :literal:`lazyfxx.js` and :literal:`styles.css` are included on the frontend. .. code-block:: html