This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

For Administrators

This chapter describes the use of the extension from a adminstrators point of view. For a editors point of view, check out the 'For Editors' Chapter.

Extension Configuration

Location Manager provides a number of settings in the Extension Configuration located in the Extension Manager. These options can be used to enable or disable certain functionality for your editor.


Allows specifying an API Key for Google Maps. While this is not necessary during the development process, it is vital to set an API Key once the Website hits production to ensure a consistent user experience without hitting Googles API Limits.

To get an API Key, open the Google Developers Console, create a new Project (if necessary), ensure that the necessary APIs are selected under Library and retrieve the API Key under Credentials. The Key may be titled Browser Key.

The necessary APIs include:

  • Google Maps JavaScript API
  • Google Maps Geocoding API

Return arrays instead of extbase objects

Uses lightweight arrays with primitive values instead of full Extbase Objects that are resolved through the ORM. Use this option if you have a lot of locations and hit performance and/or scalability problems. Note, that side-effects may be visible after enabling this option.

Enable custom maker images in categories

Adds an option to sys_categories to specify an image which will be used as marker. All Locations that have a relation to this Category will use that marker. This can be helpful to ensure visual differences between different types of locations.

Example of using a custom marker image to highlight one location over others

Example of using a custom marker image to highlight one location over others

Enable the use of separate categories for the filter

Adds a second category selection box to locations, to allow for category selection in the filter that differ from regular categories.

Advanced Plugin Settings

Custom Google Maps style array

Allows styling of the map using googles own JSON-styling markup. Examples for custom map styles can be seen on the website snazzymaps. Please ensure, that the style array is pasted into the textarea completely and does not include any whitespace before or after it.

Example of a custom map style

Example of a custom map style