This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Extension Manager

Some general settings can be configured in the Extension Manager. If you need to configure those, switch to the module “Extension Manager”, select the extension “maps2” and press on the configure-icon!

Where is the button to start configuring maps2 in Extensionmanager

The settings are divided into several tabs and described here in detail:

Property Tab Default
mapProvider basic both
defaultMapProvider basic gm
defaultCountry basic  
defaultLatitude basic 0.000000
defaultLongitude basic 0.000000
defaultRadius basic 250
explicitAllowMapProviderRequests basic 0
explicitAllowMapProviderRequestsBySession basic 0
infoWindowContentTemplatePath basic EXT:maps2/Resources/Private/Templates/InfoWindowContent.html
allowMapTemplatePath basic EXT:maps2/Resources/Private/Templates/AllowMapForm.html
googleMapsLibrary gm|&libraries=places
googleMapsGeocodeUri gm
googleMapsJavaScriptApiKey gm  
googleMapsGeocodeApiKey gm  
openStreetMap_ osm
strokeColor design #FF0000
strokeOpacity design 0.8
strokeWeight design 2
fillColor design #FF0000
fillOpacity design 0.3
markerIconWidth design 25
markerIconHeight design 40
markerIconAnchorPosX design 13
markerIconAnchorPosY design 40


Decide, if you want to use Google Maps or OpenStreetMap in your project. If you’re unsure you can keep both active, but in that case you and/or your editor have the possibility to switch between Map Providers in PoiCollection record.


If you keep both active you have multiple static extension templates available. You have to decide for one map provider in your TS-template record. And yes, you can’t show maps of both map providers on the same page.


If you change from one Map Provider to another we remove the static extension template of the prior Map Provider from selection of your TS-template record.


This setting is only relevant if you have chosen both at mapProvider. c


If you keep both active you have multiple static extension templates available. You have to decide for one map provider in your TS-template record. And yes, you can’t show maps of both map providers on the same page.


If a Google Maps Geocode Request will be requested with only a postal code, Google Maps will try to find that postal code somewhere all over the world. If your website is only available for one specified country, you can enter a country name to reduce the Google Maps Position to given country. If you have POIs all over the world you should keep that field empty.


Default latitude


Default longitude


Default radius


If you use our maps2 extension your browser will send requests to Google Servers to retrieve the map images. These requests contains the IP address of the website visitors which is a user defined information in some countries. User defined information which will be sent to third party servers needs to be explicit allowed by the visitor. Enable this option, if you need this explicit activation of Google Maps in Cookie.


If you use our maps2 extension your browser will send requests to Google Servers to retrieve the map images. These requests contains the IP address of the website visitors which is a user defined information in some countries. User defined information which will be sent to third party servers needs to be explicit allowed by the visitor. Enable this option, if you need this explicit activation of Google Maps for current browser session.


Firefox stores the browser SESSION on exit by default. So this feature will not work for Firefox browsers except you configure your firefox explicit to destroy session vars on close.


You can define your own default template for these little info window content when clicking on a marker. Further you can override this template path again with TypoScript at settings.infoWindowContentTemplatePath = [path]


This option is only valid if explicitAllowMapProviderRequests is activ. Define your own template which will be shown, as long as the visitor has not explicit allowed requests to Google Servers You can override this template path again with TypoScript at settings.allowMapTemplatePath = [path]


This is the link to the current Google Maps JavaScript Api. It is configured as wrap so that you can decide where the ApiKey has to be inserted.


This configuration is only for Google Maps which are used in list module of TYPO3 Backend.


Please keep places API information in link, as it is need for address search while PoiCollection record creation.


When you’re searching for an address while creating PoiCollection records maps2 starts a Geocode request to Google Maps Geocode API. If needed you can change that URI here.


There are two %s placeholders in URI. We replace them with sprintf(), so, if you change that URI the new URI must have these two placeholders, too.


Since version 2.0.0 this extension needs a Google Maps JavaScript ApiKey which you have to get over `Google Console<>`_


Since version 2.0.0 this extension needs a Google Maps Geocode ApiKey, if you use the CityMap plugin. It was needed to get Latitude and Longitude from a given address.

Please visit Google Console to get one.


When you’re searching for an address while creating PoiCollection records maps2 starts a Geocode request to Open Street Map Geocode API. If needed you can change that URI here.


There is one %s placeholder in URI for address. We replace it with sprintf(), so, if you change that URI the new URI must have this placeholder, too.


Stroke color


Stroke opacity


Stroke weight


Fill color


Fill opacity


Define a default width for Marker Icons in pixel. You can override this value individually in sys_category and PoiCollection records.


Define a default height for Marker Icons in pixel. You can override this value individually in sys_category and PoiCollection records.


Which horizontal pixel on the image points the position on the Google Maps. You can override this value individually in sys_category and PoiCollection records.


Which vertical pixel on the image points the position on the Google Maps. You can override this value individually in sys_category and PoiCollection records.