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FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _admin-manual: Administrator Manual ==================== Installation via extension manager ---------------------------------- - Update the extension manager's extension list - Install the extension `metaseo` via extension manager. - Include “static extension template” (Template → Info/Modify → Edit the whole template record → “Include static (from extensions):” and select “MetaSEO”) - Modify your metatags via constants editor Installation via composer ------------------------- - Make sure that you have a recent version of composer installed - Make sure that you have TYPO3 CMS installed in composer mode - `cd` to the path with your `composer.json` - To install via TER (recommended default), run `composer require typo3-ter/metaseo -o` - To install via Packagist (for enthusiasts), run `composer require mblaschke/metaseo -o` - If asked for a version constraint, answer with `*` - Include “static extension template” (Template → Info/Modify → Edit the whole template record → “Include static (from extensions):” and select “MetaSEO”) - Modify your metatags via constants editor Migration from TYPO3 CMS 7.6 to 8.7 ----------------------------------- - Upgrade the extension `metaseo` to the latest 2.x version, still using TYPO3 CMS 7.6. - Clear all caches in the install tool. - You are now ready to go for TYPO3 CMS 8.7. - After upgrading to TYPO3 CMS 8.7, update to the latest version of metaseo 3.x. - Again, clear all caches in the install tool. Please note that there is a feature removal in TYPO3 CMS 8.7, which removes the possibility to enforce a schema (http or https) for each page. If this feature still is needed, installing the extension compatibility7 will bring it back. Metaseo checks for the existence of the extension compatibility7. In case the extension compatibility7 is installed, metaseo 3.x will behave like in 2.x releases in respect to the schema selection. The extension compatibility7 is *not needed* in metaseo 3.0.0 and should be removed if possible. Migration from TYPO3 CMS 6.2 to 7.6 ----------------------------------- - Upgrade the extension `metaseo` to the latest 2.x version, still using TYPO3 CMS 6.2. - Clear all caches in the install tool - You are now ready to go for TYPO3 CMS 7.6 Migration from extension tq_seo ------------------------------- Before you start the migration, there's two important things to know: - The migration helper extension `metaseo_tqseo_import` is available for TYPO3 CMS 6.2 only. That said, please make sure to migrate to `metaseo` *before* upgrading to later versions of TYPO3 CMS. - `metaseo` 2.0.0 contains schema updates which the migration helper extension `metaseo_tqseo_import` is not aware of. That said, please also make sure that you *don't* install `metaseo` 2.0.0 or later before you migrate. To migrate from `tq_seo` to `metaseo` please follow these steps: - Make sure that you use TYPO3 CMS 6.2 - Update the extension manager's extension list - Update `tq_seo` to version 6.0.1. - Clear all caches using the install tool. - Update your database schema using the install tool. - Uninstall or disable the extension `tq_seo`. Don't update your database schema. - Install the extension `metaseo` *1.0.8* via extension manager. Installing later versions of `metaseo` will break the migration process. - Include “static extension template” (Template → Info/Modify → Edit the whole template record → “Include static (from extensions):” and select “MetaSEO”) - Install the extension `metaseo_tqseo_import` and run the importer. - Uninstall or disable the extension `metaseo_tqseo_import` - Update your database schema using the install tool. - Upgrade the extension `metaseo` to the latest 2.x version, still using TYPO3 CMS 6.2. - Modify your metatags via constants editor Indexed Sitemap --------------- The sitemap will automatically collect all cacheable sites and provides a XML- and plaintext-output – that's why it is “indexed”. The XML-Sitemap (eg. for Google) is available with: `index.php?type=841132` The TXT-Sitemap is available with: `index.php?type=841131` If you have more than one tree in your TYPO3 you will have to add the root-PID to your Sitemap, e.g.: - Tree #1 with `PID 123`: `index.php?id=123&type=841132` - Tree #2 with `PID 234`: `index.php?id=234&type=841132` If you have also enabled `sitemap_ObeySysLanguage` in the extension configuration you also have to add the language-id for your Sitemap - eg. for separated language-domain e.g. `example.com` (only english pages) and `example.de` (only german pages). The sitemap will index ALL cacheable pages with full extension support (like `tt_news` and all other “clean” extensions). If your extension doesn't use `cHash` or uses `no_cache` the output will *not* be included in the sitemap (and also will not be indexed by `index_search`). The sitemap indexes all generated typoLinks (BETA). **Warning:** The MetaSEO sitemap relies on the TYPO3 caching system. If an extension (or configuration – e.g. `RealURL` configuration) breaks the caching system and makes `TSFE` non-cacheable (`TSFE->no_cache`) the corresponding pages will *not* be indexed. Make sure no extension will set `no_cache` and the `cHash` of your link is valid. This is the only way to get just valid URLs into your sitemap. This sitemap supports both, `pibase` and `extbase` extensions without problems. However the developer must take care of the `cHash`-handling. Robots.txt ---------- The robots.txt can be generated with type `841133`, e.g.: `index.php?type=841133` If possible and enabled the `robots.txt` builder will automatically add the link to the sitemap generator or the static sitemap files (will require TYPO3 scheduler task to generate the static sitemap). Scheduler Tasks --------------- ============================================= =============================================================== ====================== Scheduler Task Description Frequency ============================================= =============================================================== ====================== MetaSEO Cleanup This task cleans up old database entries in the One run per day tx_metaseo_sitemap table. MetaSEO `sitemap.txt` builder This task builds a real `sitemap.txt` file in the One run per day upload directory. - Directory: `uploads/tx_metaseo/sitemap_txt/` - Sitemap: `sitemap-r{ROOTPID}.txt.gz` If language domain support is active: - Sitemap: `sitemap-r{ROOTPID}-l{LANG}.txt.gz` `{ROOTPID}` is the Page-UID from the root pages in your TYPO3 installations. `{LANG}` is the language id (only active if language domains are active). Hint: These files are already gzipped. MetaSEO `sitemap.xml` builder This task builds a real `sitemap.xml` files in the One run per day upload directory. - Directory: `uploads/tx_metaseo/sitemap_xml/` - Sitemap-Index: `index-r{ROOTPID}.xml.gz` - Sitemap-Page: `sitemap-r{ROOTPID}-p{PAGE}.xml.gz` If language domain support is active: - Sitemap-Index: `index-r{ROOTPID}-l{LANG}.xml.gz` - Sitemap-Page: `sitemap-r{ROOTPID}-l{LANG}-p{PAGE}.xml.gz` `{ROOTPID}` is the Page-UID from the root pages in your TYPO3 installations. `{PAGE}` is the current page of the sitemap. `{LANG}` is the language id (only active if language domains are active). The index will refer to all page sitemaps so you only have to reference to the sitemap index. Hint: These files are already gzipped. ============================================= =============================================================== ====================== RealURL Configuration --------------------- If you want to activate a “real” `sitemap.xml` feature (eg. `http://example.com/sitemap.xml`), configure `RealUrl` like this: :: array( // ... ), 'preVars' => array( // ... ), 'fixedPostVars' => array( // ... ), 'postVarSets' => array( '_DEFAULT' => array( // TT-NEWS (example configuration) 'date' => array( array( 'GETvar' => 'tx_ttnews[year]' , ), array( 'GETvar' => 'tx_ttnews[month]' , 'valueMap' => array( 'january' => '01', 'february' => '02', 'march' => '03', 'april' => '04', 'may' => '05', 'june' => '06', 'july' => '07', 'august' => '08', 'september' => '09', 'october' => '10', 'november' => '11', 'december' => '12', ), ), array( 'GETvar' => 'tx_ttnews[day]', ), ), // news pagebrowser 'browse' => array( array( 'GETvar' => 'tx_ttnews[pointer]', ), ), // news categories 'news-category' => array ( array( 'GETvar' => 'tx_ttnews[cat]', 'lookUpTable' => array( 'table' => 'tt_news_cat', 'id_field' => 'uid', 'alias_field' => 'title', 'addWhereClause' => ' AND NOT deleted', 'useUniqueCache' => 1, 'useUniqueCache_conf' => array( 'strtolower' => 1, 'spaceCharacter' => '-', ), ), ), ), // news articles 'article' => array( array( 'GETvar' => 'tx_ttnews[tt_news]', 'lookUpTable' => array( 'table' => 'tt_news', 'id_field' => 'uid', 'alias_field' => 'title', 'addWhereClause' => ' AND NOT deleted', 'useUniqueCache' => 1, 'useUniqueCache_conf' => array( 'strtolower' => 1, 'spaceCharacter' => '-', ), ), ), ), // ... other extensions ... ), ), 'fileName' => array( 'defaultToHTMLsuffixOnPrev' => 1, 'index' => array( // ... 'sitemap.xml' => array( 'keyValues' => array( 'type' => 841132, ), ), 'sitemap.txt' => array( 'keyValues' => array( 'type' => 841131, ), ), 'robots.txt' => array( 'keyValues' => array( 'type' => 841133, ), ), '_DEFAULT' => array( 'keyValues' => array( 'type' => 0, ) ), ), ), 'pagePath' => array( 'type' => 'user', 'userFunc' => 'EXT:realurl/class.tx_realurl_advanced.php:&tx_realurl_advanced->main', 'spaceCharacter' => '-', 'segTitleFieldList' => 'tx_realurl_pathsegment,alias,nav_title,title', 'languageGetVar' => 'L', 'expireDays' => 30, 'rootpage_id' => 1, ), ); Configuration via Extension Manager ----------------------------------- In TYPO3's extension manager go to the configuration symbol besides the entry for MetaSEO: .. figure:: ../Images/AdministatorManual/ConfigurationExtensionManager.png :scale: 80% :alt: Configuration via Extension Manager ================================= ========================================================== Configuration variable Description ================================= ========================================================== `general.pagingSize` Pagination: Maximum number of entries displayed per page in tables of backend sections Sitemap and SEO/Metatags. Defaults to 50 entries per page. `general.enableBeta` Enable or disable beta features. `general.enableIntegrationTTNews` Enable or disable `tt_news` integration. `general.sitemap_` to be documented. `clearCachePossibility` ================================= ==========================================================