.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../../../Includes.txt MysqlOwnQuery ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Pretty straight forward: This handler allows you to use your own SELECT statement. But nothing else. There is no deletion, no editing, no creation. The SQL Frontend is not capable of interpreting your statement which also could result in some functions not working properly (especially stuff involving a unique identifier for each entry, like the detail view). Anyhow, you should not worry about the last sentence - if you need read-only access, just try it. *One little hint though:* You shall not use the column name **Tx_MhOmsqlio_MoQ_PriKey** (at least not in your resultset; so in the unlikely event of you having a column named like that, just rename it for the output using the *AS* renaming function) as it is a reserved name. sInitialCode ------------ String. As the name says, this is code that is initially run on the database after connecting. Default: :: SET NAMES utf8; sQuery ------ String. The main configuration for this handler. Enter your statement here. Fully and valid. Example: :: SELECT uid, title FROM pages WHERE NOT deleted AND NOT hidden LIMIT 5 Of course this statement does not make a lot of sense as you could use other handlers for that but hey, if you don't know SQL better than this you might be wrong with this handler. Or you'd already know better.