.. You may want to use the usual include line. Uncomment and adjust the path. .. include:: ../Includes.txt =================== EXT: Map Management =================== :Author: Kasper Skårhøj :Created: 2002-11-01T00:32:00 :Changed by: Markus Friedrich :Changed: 2012-05-31T10:35:53.250000000 :Author: Markus Friedrich :Email: markus.friedrich@dkd.de :Info 3: :Info 4: .. _EXT-Map-Management: EXT: Map Management =================== Extension Key: **ml\_maps** Copyright 2008-2012, Markus Friedrich, Copyright 2005-2008, Markus Friedrich, This document is published under the Open Content License available from http://www.opencontent.org/opl.shtml The content of this document is related to TYPO3 \- a GNU/GPL CMS/Framework available from www.typo3.com .. _Table-of-Contents: Table of Contents ----------------- **EXT: Map Management 1** **Introduction 1** What does it do? 1 Screenshots 2 **Users manual 2** Backend module 2 Creating page content 6 **Adminstration 7** **Change log 7** .. _Introduction: Introduction ------------ .. _What-does-it-do: What does it do? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ml\_maps is an extension which allows to display maps containing e.g. locations. The locations can easily be added to the map and can be linked to a page which provides more information. Additionally a layer can be specified that opens up upon the cursor hovers over the location. **Features:** - any maps or image in gif, jpg or png format - direct positioning of the points via mouse click - two default location markers and any own markers in gif, jpeg or png format - layers with info text for every single location - locations can contain links to any other page **NOTE** : The current version is still based on the old code basis, we only fixed some issues with recent TYPO3 versions and added some minor features and improvements. Please follow these steps, if you're updating from an older version: Update database via Extension Manager Clear cache, to ensure that the TypoScript updates will be considered Adapt CSS, you have to use the class "tx-mlmaps-layer" instead of "marker-layer" .. _Screenshots: Screenshots ^^^^^^^^^^^ Here is an example: .. _img-1-Users-manual: |img-1| Users manual -------------------- .. _Backend-module: Backend module ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If the extension is succesfully installed you will find “Maps” as a sub module in “Web”. |img-2| This module provides all functions needed to create maps and location points. There are two main functions |img-3| “Map Management” and “Marker Management. .. _Map-Management: “Map Management” """""""""""""""" The first step to create a map is to upload an image, this image can be in gif, jpeg or png format. At first you'll see a summary of the available categories, you can list the contained maps by clicking on „Show“, but you can also add a new map from this initial point and allocate it to a category. |img-4| If you choose a listed category or add a map you will see the cateogory details. Here you can edit or delete the already uploaded maps and also upload new maps. Below you see the contained maps, by unchecking the „Display thumbnails“ checkbox you can disable the thumbs and increase the loading time. |img-5| Your possibilitiies are to edit the map's properties, to create a duplicate of a map and to delete maps by using the buttons below each map. In the editing mode you will see the map in full size and below it all applied points. |img-6| Your possibilitiies are - Edit / Deletepoints - Place new point on map - Rename map - Change map image - Change map category / New category **Place new point on map / Change point on map** The methods to create a point (Place new point on map) and to edit a point (Change point on map) look the same. First you have to enter a label for this point. |img-7| Your next option is to create a link behind this point, you can use the wizzard to do this. |img-8| The coordinates are the most important fields, without this it's not possible to place the point. You can either insert the coordinates by hand or click on the map to get the coordinates. |img-9| The drop-down field “Marker” provides the opportunity to choose the kind of marker which will mark the point. By default there is a white and a black square, you can add your own markers with the “Marker Management” discribed later in this documentation. The RTE field called “Layer text” enables you to create a popup layer for this point. The layer is like the link not necessary. |img-10| **Rename Map** Simply enter a new description for this map and click on „Rename“ to change the map's name. |img-11| **Change map image** This option is used to change the main image of this map, all settings and markers won't be changed. You're allowed to upload gif, jpeg or png files. |img-12| **Change map category / New category** Use this menu to move this map with all settings to another category, you can choose an existing category or create a new one by entering a new name. |img-13| .. _Marker-Management: “Marker Management” """"""""""""""""""" It is posible to upload your own markers and to delete existing ones. |img-14| Available markers are listed below. .. _Creating-page-content: Creating page content ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To place map you created in the map module on a page, simply create a new page content element and choose „Maps“ in the plugins list. |img-15| Then select the map you want to display. |img-16| You can style the generated content via CSS, e.g. you can design the layers via .tx-mlmaps-layer {color: FFFFFF;background-color: FFFFFF;} .. _Adminstration: Adminstration ------------- Before the extension can be installed the database needs to be updated, the database entries for the default markers have to be created. The Extension Manager will do this for you by default. |img-17| Then you can configure the extension in the Extension Manager. A change of these options isn't required, the extension will work with the default settings. .. _img-18-Change-log: |img-18| Change log ------------------- Version 0.1.0: First public release. Version 0.1.1: - revised manual - general improvements - hidden pages will not be linked Version 0.2.0: - reversal to flexforms - removed the creation of data records via TYPO3 e.g. locations, to prevent mistakes - bugfixing Version 0.3.11: - support for TYPO3 4.6 - requires TYPO3 4.1 - JS library improved - new marker types: tt\_address, maps address - fixed/improved support for general storage folder - new TypoScript options (see constant editor „plugin.tx\_mlmaps“) |img-19| EXT: Map Management - 7 .. ######CUTTER_MARK_IMAGES###### .. |img-1| image:: img-1.png .. :align: left .. :border: 1 .. :height: 457 .. :id: Grafik1 .. :name: Grafik1 .. :vspace: 15 .. :width: 589 .. |img-2| image:: img-2.png .. :align: left .. :border: 1 .. :height: 162 .. :id: Grafik3 .. :name: Grafik3 .. :vspace: 11 .. :width: 117 .. |img-3| image:: img-3.png .. :align: left .. :border: 1 .. :height: 85 .. :id: Grafik4 .. :name: Grafik4 .. :vspace: 11 .. :width: 474 .. |img-4| image:: img-4.png .. :align: left .. :border: 1 .. :height: 241 .. :id: Grafik15 .. :name: Grafik15 .. :width: 474 .. |img-5| image:: img-5.png .. :align: left .. :border: 1 .. :height: 352 .. :id: Grafik5 .. :name: Grafik5 .. :vspace: 11 .. :width: 473 .. |img-6| image:: img-6.png .. :align: left .. :border: 1 .. :height: 52% .. :id: Grafik6 .. :name: Grafik6 .. :vspace: 11 .. :width: 71% .. |img-7| image:: img-7.png .. :align: left .. :border: 1 .. :height: 29 .. :id: Grafik7 .. :name: Grafik7 .. :vspace: 11 .. :width: 115 .. |img-8| image:: img-8.png .. :align: left .. :border: 1 .. :height: 29 .. :id: Grafik8 .. :name: Grafik8 .. :width: 144 .. |img-9| image:: img-9.png .. :align: left .. :border: 1 .. :height: 63 .. :id: Grafik9 .. :name: Grafik9 .. :vspace: 11 .. :width: 147 .. |img-10| image:: img-10.png .. :align: left .. :border: 1 .. :height: 37% .. :id: Grafik11 .. :name: Grafik11 .. :vspace: 11 .. :width: 69% .. |img-11| image:: img-11.png .. :align: left .. :border: 1 .. :height: 73 .. :id: Grafik16 .. :name: Grafik16 .. :vspace: 11 .. :width: 473 .. |img-12| image:: img-12.png .. :align: left .. :border: 1 .. :height: 71 .. :id: Grafik17 .. :name: Grafik17 .. :width: 473 .. |img-13| image:: img-13.png .. :align: left .. :border: 1 .. :height: 59 .. :id: Grafik18 .. :name: Grafik18 .. :width: 473 .. |img-14| image:: img-14.png .. :align: left .. :border: 1 .. :height: 128 .. :id: Grafik12 .. :name: Grafik12 .. :vspace: 11 .. :width: 458 .. |img-15| image:: img-15.png .. :align: left .. :border: 1 .. :height: 145 .. :id: Grafik13 .. :name: Grafik13 .. :vspace: 11 .. :width: 468 .. |img-16| image:: img-16.png .. :align: left .. :border: 1 .. :height: 121 .. :id: Grafik14 .. :name: Grafik14 .. :vspace: 11 .. :width: 228 .. |img-17| image:: img-17.png .. :align: left .. :border: 1 .. :height: 35 .. :id: Grafik10 .. :name: Grafik10 .. :vspace: 11 .. :width: 516 .. |img-18| image:: img-18.png .. :align: left .. :border: 1 .. :height: 248 .. :id: Grafik2 .. :name: Grafik2 .. :vspace: 11 .. :width: 656 .. |img-19| image:: img-19.png .. :align: left .. :border: 0 .. :height: 32 .. :id: Graphic1 .. :name: Graphic1 .. :width: 102