.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _configuration: Configuration Reference ======================= .. _configuration-typoscript: Typoscript Constants: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ scrambleForm Scramble the subscription form HTML (spambot protection). The form will be written to the DOM by javascript. Checked by default. blockSpamIps Posts from IPs of guestbook-entries marked as spam will be ignored. useMathTest Show a simple randomly generated addition in the form that the user has to solve to prove he's a human! reviewNewEntries For every new entry, an email will be sent to the redactor that can decide if the post is spam or not. Two links in the mail allow to commit the decision. You have to provide an email-address to make this work ('reviewEmailAddress'). hideNewEntries New entries will be stored hidden, this option makes most sense in combination with the 'reviewNewEntries' option. pageSize Number of guestbook entries to show on one page. reviewEmailAddress Email address to send new entry review mails to. reviewEmailSenderAddress Email sender address for review mails. reviewEmailSenderName Email sender name for review mails. reviewEmailSubject Review mail subject. minFormSubmissionTime Minimal time in milliseconds that has to pass between the generation of the form to the submission. A human usually can't fill in and submit a form in 2 seconds providing a meaningful message.. a spambot can. secret This string will be used to generate hashes for the form and the review-links. You should change this to any random string to make it unique for your guestbook. Storage for guestbook entries ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Set up the system folder to store the guestbook entries: - TS-constant "Default storage PID" [plugin.tx_mmcguestbook.persistence.storagePid] or - In the plugin (Behaviour > Record Storage Page).