.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. ================================================== .. DEFINE SOME TEXTROLES .. -------------------------------------------------- .. role:: underline .. role:: typoscript(code) .. role:: ts(typoscript) :class: typoscript .. role:: php(code) All about scores and the correct-checkbox ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you don´t need scores in your quiz, you should disable them with “dontShowPoints = 1”. If you need scores, but you want show them in the front end, don´t set “dontShowPoints = 1”! Change only the templates! “dontShowPoints = 1” will disable scores calculations too. If you set the **scores for each answer** , then the quiz-program will ignore the scores set for a question. Furthermore the program will ignore the correct-checkbox. Answers with scores > 0 will be treated as if the correct-checkbox is clicked.And note too: no negative scores are then available!Exclusion: scores for each answers will be ignored if you set noNegativePoints=3 or 4. Furthermore: if you set noNegativePoints=3 or 4, then the quiz taker will get in every case only once scores (not for every correct answer)! If you use the type “ **text input** ”, then the correct-checkbox will be ignored too. The field with the text (normally answer 1) will be treated as if the correct-checkbox is clicked. Important notice about the “ **correct/false answered questions** ” information: only if you check a correct-checkbox in the backend, answers will be evaluated. A questions without a checked correct- checkbox will be ignored therefor. Questions which have not been answered by the quiz taker will be ignored too - can be changed with TS-variable “noAnswer”!