.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. ================================================== .. DEFINE SOME TEXTROLES .. -------------------------------------------------- .. role:: underline .. role:: typoscript(code) .. role:: ts(typoscript) :class: typoscript .. role:: php(code) Questions and answers ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - I have enabled the basic poll but how can I display a graphical poll result? Please take a look at the example-file “template\_poll.html” or “template\_poll\_jquery.html” in the examples-folder. Otherwise take a look at this website: `http://www.ajaxschmiede.de/tools/diagramme- erstellen-leicht-gemacht-mit-der- `_ `google-chart-api/ `_ - I have enabled the basic poll but the extension displays only one question. What should I do? The basic poll mode is really basic. It can handle only one question with radio-button or select-box. If you need an advanced poll please try the quiz-mode with advanced statistics. - I can´t see any results from an user? Whats wrong? You have to enable the advanced statistics if you need detailed results. - I have enabled advanced statistics but I don´t see any statistics in the front-end. What can I do? See “template\_statistics.html” in the examples-folder for more information. Try to use REF\_QR\_ANSWER\_ALL instead of REF\_QR\_ANSWER\_CORR in the template QUIZ\_ANSWERS. - I am using categories but they are ignored in the front-end. Whats wrong? In some cases you must set the category for the first question. See TS “startCategory”. And: the categories must be in the same folder than the questions! - I want to display all check-boxes and radio-buttons on the right side. How can I do that? The following TypoScript will help you:plugin.tx\_myquizpoll\_pi1.myVars.answers {input\_checkbox = style="float: right;"input\_radio = style="float: right;"}page.includeCSS.file5 = typo3conf/ext/myquizpoll/examples/right\_buttons.css - I want to display the title or the category only once at a page!You can hide the following titles or categories with style-sheets. Use a code like this one:
Then hide all titles with NUMBER > 1 like this via CSS: .mytitle-2,.mytitle-3 { display: none; } - The quiz taker should enter his name. “unknown” is a bad name. How can I change that? You can delete the default values like this:plugin.tx\_myquizpoll\_pi1.\_LOCAL\_LANG.de {no\_name =no\_email =no\_homepage =}And you can add this in the template-file to the JavaScript-function quizsubmit::feld = 'tx\_myquizpoll\_pi1[name]';if (quizform.elements[feld].value.length==0){window.alert('Please enter your name!');return false;} - My TypoScript values are not accepted? Whats wrong? Note that the following values will be overwritten for compatibility reasons with old values (if they exist):'userData.askAtQuestion' with 'dontShowUserData', 'highscore.entries' with 'highscoreEntries', 'highscore.sortBy' with 'sortHighscoreBy', 'highscore.showAtFinal' with 'showHighscore' and 'highscore.dateFormat' with 'dateFormat'. - I need more than 6 answers for one question. What should I do? You can use the “copy & paste” method to add new fields. Open this files: ext\_tables.sql, ext\_tables.php and locallang\_db.xml. Search for the following database-fields and copy & paste them (table tx\_myquizpoll\_question):answer1, correct1, points1, joker1\_1, joker2\_1, category1Replace the 1 at the end with 7,8 and so on...If you have enabled the advanced statistics then copy & paste this field too (table tx\_myquizpoll\_relation): checked1.Click in the extension manager at this extension and create the new database fields.Finally set the TS variable “answerChoiceMax = 7” (8,9 or so on).Note: only up to 12 answers are supported in the backend when viewing statistics. And you need to make this steps again after an myquizpoll-update!Note: you find and older version (1.2.15) with up to 12 answers on my homepage: `http://www.quizpalme.de/myquizandpoll/download.html `_ Furthermore you find an extension that extends myquizpoll with 6 more questions: `http://www.quizpalme.de/myquizandpoll/download/myquizpoll-addons.html `_ - I want 2 questions on the first page, then 4, then 1 and so on. What can I do? You can use categories. Define a category for every page. Set the startCategory for the first question(s). Set a category for each question and set the next category for each question (the category of the next page). Set pageQuestions = 100. - I need less than 6 answers for one question. What should I do? First, set “answerChoiceMax=4” if you need only 4 answers. Second, you can hide answers if you set this TSconfig:TCEFORM.tx\_myquizpoll\_question.answer5.disabled = 1TCEFORM.tx\_myquizpoll\_question.correct5.disabled = 1TCEFORM.tx\_myquizpoll\_question.points5.disabled = 1TCEFORM.tx\_myquizpoll\_question.joker1\_5.disabled = 1TCEFORM.tx\_myquizpoll\_question.joker2\_5.disabled = 1TCEFORM.tx\_myquizpoll\_question.category5.disabled = 1Note: you find the TSconfig-field here: Page properties → Options or Resources. - I need larger answers with more than 255 characters. Textarea not input-field! You find an older version (1.2.16) with this possibilities on my homepage. Link see above.Furthermore you will find there an extension that extends myquizpoll. - I want 2 different explanations. One for correct answered questions and one for false answered questions! You find an older version (1.4.2) and an add-on-extension with this possibilities on my homepage too. Link see above. - I want explanations for every answer of a question! You find an add-on extension with this possibilities on my homepage. Link see above. In order to hide the normal explanation field enter this at the Page TSconfig-field: TCEFORM.tx\_myquizpoll\_question.explanation.disabled = 1 - How can I hide fields in the backend? See above. Its easy: TCEFORM.tx\_myquizpoll\_question.filed\_to\_hide.disabled = 1 in the TSconfig.You will find the field-names in the file “ext\_tables.sql”. - Paragraphs from the RTE area are not displayed/shown in the frontend. Why not? Please use breaks (+) instead of paragraphs. Otherwise allow them with this TS:plugin.tx\_myquizpoll\_pi1 { general\_stdWrap > general\_stdWrap { parseFunc < tt\_content.text.20.parseFunc }}Then clear all chaches. - Users should decide if they want to be displayed in the highscore list. Is there a way to do that? It is possible. Take a look at the “template\_statistics.html” if you want to know how you can do this. - The name of a quiz taker should link to a profile page... This works if users are logged in. highscore.linkTo = id=54&feuid=0&myParam=myVal is an example. The first parameter of linkTo specifies the destination of the link. Use only numbers! The second parameter can be set to everything. The value of this parameter will be replaced with the fe\_users id. All other parameters are optional. ###VAR\_NAME### in ###TEMPLATE\_HIGHSCORE\_QUIZ\_TAKER### will contain the generated link. - How can I display all correct answers of a question in a cooler way?Take a look at the karussell-extension: template\_ccc\_quiz.html is a cool example. - What about an explanation of the markers? You will find all supported marker in the template 'pi1/tx\_myquizpoll\_pi1.tmpl'. Some of them are explained there. - I need a reload-lock. What can I do? Take a look at the TS-variable “doubleEntryCheck” or “useCookiesInDays”. - I need help or I need this and that! What can I do? Take a look at the this good extension: pbsurvey. Or you can write me an email: `http://www.quizpalme.de/kontakt.html `_