This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

2.1.0 - 2013/03/28ΒΆ

* 2013-03-25 [DOC] Improve old manual (Commit: 88b4d7a)
* 2013-03-22 [TASK] Improve compatibility check (Commit: fa65af6)
* 2013-03-22 [TASK] Cleanup of docs (Commit: 6a69084)
* 2013-03-22 [TASK] Remove not needed todo (Commit: 0a20647)
* 2013-03-22 [FEATURE] Add hook to remove fields in new actions (Commit: 0c83946)
* 2013-03-20 [TASK] Add ordering to tags (Commit: 161f8c7)
* 2013-03-20 [DOC] Mention tag list (Commit: 16f2eed)
* 2013-03-20 [DOC] Update realurl doc (Commit: 5fec71b)
* 2013-03-20 [FEATURE] Render listPid in page module (Commit: 26793a1)
* 2013-03-20 [FEATURE] Simple Tag view (Commit: f2270ec)
* 2013-03-18 [BUGFIX] Allow EXT: path in paginate templatePath (Commit: bf10daf)
* 2013-03-18 [DOC] Add templatePath of paginate widget to docs (Commit: bd76c14)
* 2013-03-12 [TASK] Some CGL (Commit: b9b6871)
* 2013-03-11 [TASK] Add cache tags to the TYPO3 page cache (Commit: db50e87)
* 2013-03-11 [TASK] Reenable listpid field in list views (Commit: 7f45a98)
* 2013-03-08 [BUGFIX] Subcategories query (Commit: ff819f5)
* 2013-03-08 [TASK] Make sorting direction in datemenu possible (Commit: 9ef205a)
* 2013-03-05 [BUGFIX] Import related links (Commit: 48b9750)
* 2013-02-28 [TASK] Removing unnecessary userfunction for label (Commit: 1b3bfd7)
* 2013-02-27 [BUGFIX] Avoid PHP warning in Datemenu (Commit: 04a2dfb)
* 2013-02-27 [TASK] Avoid empty tags with <f:format.html> (Commit: 389efe9)
* 2013-02-27 [BUGFIX] Fix useStdWrap setting (Commit: fb742d7)
* 2013-02-25 [BUGFIX] Importer should also set pid (Commit: 3e665cb)
* 2013-02-25 [TASK] Fix wrong label in DE (Commit: 4ba16e6)
* 2013-02-25 [TASK] PL translations (Commit: 8bfd98c)
* 2013-02-21 [TASK] Change TS TRUE to 1 (Commit: 558014b)
* 2013-02-21 [TASK] Improve ClassCacheBuilder + Tests (Commit: 8cfa22d)
* 2013-02-21 [TASK] Make related_from a readonly (Commit: 1961c37)
* 2013-02-21 [BUGFIX] Add author & authorEmail to importer (Commit: 805e556)
* 2013-02-20 [TASK] Add description how to manipulate Pagination (Commit: 2354a55)
* 2013-02-20 [TASK] Improve Pagination + Unittests (Commit: 91a9785)
* 2013-02-20 [BUGFIX] Added missed table for related_from in TCA (Commit: 6f28abb)
* 2013-02-20 [TASK] Change fields from mergeIfNotBlank to noCopy (Commit: d912707)
* 2013-02-20 [TASK] Use allRelatedSorted in template (Commit: e4ed8e7)
* 2013-02-19 [!!!][FEATURE] Make related news from opposite way (Commit: 9e37da2)
* 2013-02-19 [BUGFIX] Improve handling of DAM and translations (Commit: 94d19e1)
* 2013-02-19 [BUGFIX] Make related_files sortable (Commit: f704971)
* 2013-02-19 [TASK] Add more unit tests (Commit: e73e244)
* 2013-02-19 [BUGFIX] Fix disqus ViewHelper Unit Test (Commit: 6df503a)
* 2013-02-19 [BUGFIX] Remove hsc() from tag suggest (Commit: 4cd789a)
* 2013-02-19 [DOC] move realurl snippet (Commit: 0405227)
* 2013-02-19 [DOC] list+detail on same page (Commit: e194ed9)
* 2013-02-19 [DOC] fix rst bug (Commit: c14fcae)
* 2013-02-19 [DOC] add pagination template (Commit: 31280c0)
* 2013-02-19 [DOC] Extend sorting (Commit: 71df14b)
* 2013-02-19 [DOC] move donation part (Commit: 9298164)
* 2013-02-19 [DOC] Add extending news (Commit: 5fbbcbc)
* 2013-02-18 [TASK] Rename interfaces to mediarenderer (Commit: 237a4be)
* 2013-02-17 [DOC] Improve templating information (Commit: c48edf2)
* 2013-02-17 [DOC] Improve templating information (Commit: 2800379)
* 2013-02-17 [DOC] Improve templating information (Commit: 8d38c61)
* 2013-02-17 [DOC] Improve templating information (Commit: 491928e)
* 2013-02-17 [DOC] Improve templating information (Commit: cd24d42)
* 2013-02-17 [DOC] Improve templating information (Commit: d83f9ac)
* 2013-02-17 [DOC] News by TS (Commit: 9b66980)
* 2013-02-17 [TASK] Fix Tests (Commit: 29037ad)
* 2013-02-17 [TASK] Adopt classes of tests (Commit: 118ec79)
* 2013-02-17 [FEATURE] Support for youtube videos (Commit: 0440881)
* 2013-02-17 [TASK] Improve handling of subcategories (Commit: 91102ca)
* 2013-02-15 [TASK] Fix CGL issues (Commit: 2d5f95e)
* 2013-02-15 [TASK] Cleanup html (Commit: b5d886d)
* 2013-02-15 [TASK] Fix CGL issues (Commit: 022783e)
* 2013-02-13 [BUGFIX] Regenerate proxy classes after cache-clearing (Commit: e9ddf4d)
* 2013-02-13 [BUGFIX] Fix of proxy-class generation (Commit: ae77c96)
* 2013-02-11 [BUGFIX] logicalOr param must not be an empty array (Commit: 8e1c700)
* 2013-02-11 [BUGFIX] Better check if current tag has been found (Commit: 75d527f)
* 2013-02-08 [TASK] Remove uml (Commit: d202c87)
* 2013-02-08 [TASK] Make image/multimedia field required (Commit: f7411ce)
* 2013-02-05 [TASK] Unittest for ExcludeDisplayedNewsVH (Commit: 1d7f42e)
* 2013-02-04 [TASK] UnitTest for Labels Hook (Commit: be8cbaa)
* 2013-02-04 [FEATURE] Checkbox to disable RTE (Commit: 8563590)
* 2013-02-04 [BUGFIX] Require Media model for static calls (Commit: d7e1859)
* 2013-02-04 [TASK] Add a NewsDefaultRepository (Commit: 3610676)
* 2013-02-03 [FEATURE] Display thumbnail in relation (Commit: 74c57e8)
* 2013-01-30 [DOC] Add some more text to viewhelpers (Commit: c57e948)
* 2013-01-30 [TASK] Crop teaser text too (Commit: ddfce78)
* 2013-01-30 [TASK] Update dependency (Commit: fc24a6f)
* 2013-01-29 [DOC] Table for properties (Commit: e21527a)
* 2013-01-29 [TASK] Make external/internal urls required (Commit: 9090f1c)
* 2013-01-29 [TASK] Output tags in views (Commit: c74d899)
* 2013-01-29 [BUGFIX] Wrong VH reference in deprecation log (Commit: 3532654)
* 2013-01-28 [DOC] add VH props (Commit: 82ea560)
* 2013-01-28 [DOC] 1st start of automated VH documentation (Commit: a461c2c)
* 2013-01-28 [BUGFIX] Check if getRelated return an object (Commit: 67f3c78)
* 2013-01-25 [DOC] ViewHelper doc start (Commit: e63b72a)
* 2013-01-25 [DOC] Fix some typos (Commit: 60b9542)
* 2013-01-25 [DOC] Rename main directory in docs (Commit: 41a8a8d)