This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

6.2.0 - 2018/01/23

Important changes

Avoid duplicate page titles in pagination

A pagination information ("Page 3 of 9") is added to the page title to avoid duplicate page titles.

Removal of a ViewHelper

The ObjectViewHelper has been removed.

All Changes

This is a list of all changes in this release:

2018-01-23 [TASK] Check mod.web_list.allowedNewTables/deniedNewTables in admin module (#248) (Commit 9efa4d37 by Marc Bastian Heinrichs)
2018-01-23 [TASK] Respect overwriteDemand parameters on menu creation (#439) (Commit 9cb38263 by Oliver Baran)
2018-01-23 [TASK] Allow limit and offset for tags (#497) (Commit 0e2e2fa9 by Steffen Kamper)
2018-01-23 [FEATURE] Disable Localization in backend module via TSConfig (#420) (#421) (Commit 5e0541f2 by ayacoo)
2018-01-23 Apply fixes from StyleCI (#537) (Commit 8a3122a0 by Georg Ringer)
2018-01-23 [BUGFIX] Check tablenames in mm queries (Commit 1cb623ca by Georg Ringer)
2018-01-23 [BUGFIX] Set cHash also in workspace mode (Commit f5290765 by Georg Ringer)
2018-01-23 [BUGFIX] Fix failing test (Commit bb12a525 by Georg Ringer)
2018-01-22 [DOC] Add linkhandler info (Commit 02de4016 by Georg Ringer)
2018-01-22 [TASK] Add tstamp & crdate fields to TCA for fluid (Commit f9c1222a by Georg Ringer)
2018-01-22 [TASK] Make 2 VH compatible with 9 (Commit 2edb20d3 by Georg Ringer)
2018-01-22 [TASK] Replace ... with  (Commit e349354a by Georg Ringer)
2018-01-22 [TASK] Make PaginateVh 9 compatible (Commit 8b53482f by Georg Ringer)
2018-01-22 [DOC] Improve module vhs example (Commit 345e54a8 by Georg Ringer)
2018-01-22 [DOC] Improve doc example for ical rendering (Commit edc31bf7 by Georg Ringer)
2018-01-22 Validated output for List.xml (#457) (Commit ab01a824 by Dandy Umlauft)
2018-01-22 [BUGFIX] Add missing counter increment #524 (Commit e75bab78 by Georg Ringer)
2018-01-19 [DOC] Add snippet for cHash in preview links (Commit de0eec81 by Georg Ringer)
2018-01-19 [BUGFIX] Change invalid HTML of time tag (Commit 9b795285 by Georg Ringer)
2018-01-19 [TASK] Change license in composer.json (Commit 19ab9ad1 by Georg Ringer)
2018-01-19 [BUGFIX] Fix spelling (#519) (Commit ce0bcf39 by Michael Stucki)
2018-01-17 Feature/php56 (#517) (Commit 436e2c5d by Georg Ringer)
2018-01-16 [FEATURE] Split search words (Commit 47629cc1 by Georg Ringer)
2018-01-16 [TASK] Revert travis changes (Commit 557b6924 by Georg Ringer)
2018-01-16 [FEATURE] Avoid duplicate title for pagination (Commit 7d9b3dc0 by Georg Ringer)
2018-01-16 [TASK] Respect type in sitemap (Commit 277966b8 by Georg Ringer)
2018-01-16 [TASK] Raise testing-framework version (Commit 0f9cc40b by Georg Ringer)
2018-01-16 [DOC] Improve documentation snippet (Commit a4d11b02 by Georg Ringer)
2018-01-16 Apply fixes from StyleCI (#511) (Commit b684e4c7 by Georg Ringer)
2018-01-16 [TASK] Migrate SitemapGenerator todoctrine (Commit 699ff734 by Georg Ringer)
2018-01-16 [TASK] Remove PHP 5.5 from travis tests (Commit 0e41c332 by Georg Ringer)
2018-01-16 [TASK] Remove phpcs fixes in favor of styleci (Commit 808ace42 by Georg Ringer)
2018-01-16 [BUGFIX] Fix failing test in NewsRepositoryTest (Commit 3beba818 by Georg Ringer)
2018-01-16 [BUGFIX] Remove deprecated usage of buildQueryParametersPostProcess (Commit a2a585a4 by Georg Ringer)
2018-01-16 [BUGFIX] Use proper navigationComponentId for 9+ (Commit 81d6b2f1 by Georg Ringer)
2017-12-17 [TASK] Use $GLOBALS['SIM_EXEC_TIME'] for building queries (Commit b5c87806 by Georg Ringer)
2017-12-17 [TASK] Remove unused palettes (Commit fa7f38ac by Georg Ringer)
2017-12-17 Apply fixes from StyleCI (#491) (Commit 858e3abd by Georg Ringer)
2017-12-17 [TASK] Document related variants in template (Commit 9c638a2f by Georg Ringer)
2017-12-17 [BUGFIX] Make option list.paginate.prevNextHeaderTags work (#481) (Commit 9dcbff50 by Christian Futterlieb)
2017-12-17 Change datatype for tag in newsDemand to string (#483) (Commit cc9f0793 by Torben Hansen)
2017-12-17 fix search by percent or underscore (#486) (Commit a4cde7d4 by Esteban Marin)
2017-12-05 [TASK] Hide shariff namespace (Commit 93e1b60f by Georg Ringer)
2017-11-21 Fixed Typo (#456) (Commit cb98c935 by Fritz the Cat)
2017-11-21 [TASK] Let it work with 9 (Commit 9c920f19 by Georg Ringer)
2017-11-21 [BUGFIX] Fix category usage in Sitemap generator (Commit cac5cd8f by Georg Ringer)
2017-11-21 [TASK] Use sorting column in ItemsProcFunc (Commit d9a1aa96 by Georg Ringer)
2017-11-06 Fix PHP Notice in ext_localconf.php (#458) (Commit a8e68933 by Tymoteusz Motylewski)
2017-10-26 Apply fixes from StyleCI (#453) (Commit a9350093 by Georg Ringer)
2017-10-26 [FEATURE] Get translated content element id list (Commit 574d93e8 by Georg Ringer)
2017-10-26 Apply fixes from StyleCI (#452) (Commit 9f3e4c0d by Georg Ringer)
2017-10-26 [TASK] Migrate AdministrationController to Doctrine (Commit ecc3af5c by Georg Ringer)
2017-10-26 [TASK] Remove not needed test (Commit ef33512a by Georg Ringer)
2017-10-26 [TASK] Use FAL API in AbstractImportService (Commit 0e32944e by Georg Ringer)
2017-10-26 [TASK] Migrate ItemsProcFunc to Doctrine (Commit b71bf638 by Georg Ringer)
2017-10-26 [TASK] Remove unused methods (Commit 266154aa by Georg Ringer)
2017-10-26 [TASK] Remove unused getter of DatabaseConnection (Commit 13fa94da by Georg Ringer)
2017-10-26 [!!!][TASK] Remove ObjectViewHelper (Commit 2061386e by Georg Ringer)
2017-10-26 Remove incorrect closing bracket (#446) (Commit e5a13dba by Boris Schauer)
2017-10-01 Update Index.rst (#429) (Commit f908c159 by Stefan Isak)
2017-09-27 [BUGFIX] Re-enable settings.detailPid in selectedList's flexform (#436) (Commit ab55ea71 by Rémy DANIEL)
2017-09-22 [BUGFIX] #357 Add tt_content ctype labels to pagelayoutview to get rid of error message (#432) (Commit bb050b02 by Kevin Purrmann)
2017-09-18 Update (Commit 2fd3f1eb by Georg Ringer)
2017-09-13 Moved XML-NameSpace-declaration from div- or span-tags into separate html-tags to achieve valid HTML5 output (#415) (Commit 226951a5 by Sebastian Wolfertz)
2017-09-13 [TASK] Changing PhpDoc type for tsstamp (#418) (Commit 3eca0e57 by Thomas Deuling)
2017-09-12 Some minor fixes (#423) (Commit 5f81c827 by Cedric Ziel)
2017-09-11 [TASK] Remove unnecessary else branch (#422) (Commit 906cd336 by Cedric Ziel)

This list has been created by using git log 6.1.1..HEAD --abbrev-commit --pretty='%ad %s (Commit %h by %an)' --date=short.