.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../../../Includes.txt Integration of EXT:dd_googlesitemap ----------------------------------- Since version 4.2.0 EXT:news supports creating sitemaps using the extension **dd_googlesitemap**. .. only:: html .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 Configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ After installing dd_googlesitemap you can create sitemaps for the news records by calling the URL ``https://www.yourdomain.tld/index.php?eID=dd_googlesitemap&id=1&sitemap=txnews&singlePid=123&pidList=456&L=0``. The following parameters need to be configured properly: **singlePid** Define the page id which is used to show the news record. The links in the sitemap will point to this page. **pidList** Define the page ids on which the news records are saved. **L** Define the language uid which should be used. Use one call for each language **type** By adding the optional argument ``&type=news`` a news sitemap is used instead of a default sitemap type. Check out https://support.google.com/news/publisher/answer/74288?hl=en for details. Human readable dates """""""""""""""""""" If you need links with human readable dates, you can achieve this with the following TypoScript: .. code-block:: typoscript tx_ddgooglesitemap.tx_news { hrDate = 1 hrDate { day = j month = n year = Y } } Skip controller and action """""""""""""""""""""""""" To skip the controller and action, use the following TypoScript: .. code-block:: typoscript tx_ddgooglesitemap.tx_news.skipControllerAndAction = 1 Integration ^^^^^^^^^^^ Use the configured URL and add it to the scheduler task of dd_googlesitemap.