This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

4.3.0 - 2016/07/13

Important changes

This release is the first one which supports also version 8.

Changed sitemap generation behaviour

For multilanguage sitemaps you need to generate a sitemap for every language by providing the parameter “L”.

All Changes

This is a list of all changes in this release:

2016-07-04 [!!!][TASK] Change language behaviour for sitemap generation (Commit b733b24 by Georg Ringer)
2016-07-04 [BUGFIX] Use correct query in SiteMapGenerator (Commit 49db71d by Georg Ringer)
2016-07-04 [TASK] Add documentation about showing hidden records (Commit 863c757 by Georg Ringer)
2016-07-04 [BUGFIX] Check date for null in LinkViewHelper (Commit f08ed97 by Georg Ringer)
2016-07-04 [TASK] Register attribute shareurl in ShareViewHelper (Commit a307a0f by Georg Ringer)
2016-07-04 [BUGFIX] Use a different name for DataHandlerCore (Commit c6325b9 by Georg Ringer)
2016-06-17 [BUGFIX] fix typoscript to reference instead of copying plugins.tx_news.settings (Commit c6b0237 by Esteban Marín)
2016-05-24 [BUGFIX] Make VHs CMS 8 compatible (Commit 44b9552 by Markus Klein)
2016-05-11 [FEATURE] Add index to tt_content (Commit 3747a1a by Georg Ringer)
2016-05-11 [BUGFIX] Fix wrong TS condition (Commit 9d9324d by Georg Ringer)
2016-04-27 [FEATURE] Hide content elements in page/list module if news sys folder (Commit 4f66675 by Georg Ringer)
2016-04-27 [BUGFIX] twitter not listed twice in rx_shariff example (Commit b80beda by Markus Klein)
2016-04-19 [TASK] Add  addQueryStringMethod="GET" to paginator (Commit 5d0309a by Frank Naegler)
2016-04-15 Revert "[BUGFIX] Set l10nmode for categories & tags to exclude" (Commit 858c6f2 by Georg Ringer)
2016-04-15 [TASK] Make it compatible with core < 8.3 (Commit ea2159e by Georg Ringer)
2016-04-13 [BUGFIX][FOLLOWUP] Fix mysql strict (Commit 38842fc by Georg Ringer)
2016-04-12 [BUGFIX] Fix strict mysql checks (Commit fee4449 by Georg Ringer)
2016-03-17 [TASK] Remove unsupported categoryRestriction (Commit 780c111 by Nicole Cordes)

This list has been created by using git log --since="2016/03/11" --abbrev-commit --pretty='%ad %s (Commit %h by %an)' --date=short