This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

7.0.6 - 2018/08/10

This release supports 9.5 LTS

All Changes

This is a list of all changes in this release:

2018-10-02 [BUGFIX] Support custom showinpreview types (Commit aa0a6547 by Georg Ringer)
2018-10-02 [TASK] Use different preview icon (Commit d472d0f4 by Georg Ringer)
2018-10-02 [DOC] Fix example for NewsControllerSettings hook (#738) (Commit 634f864c by Johannes Klinger)
2018-10-02 [Bugfix] correct date formatting in iCal list template (#726) (Commit 3a02ce4d by Hendrik Putzek)
2018-10-01 [FEATURE] Use slug handling of core (Commit 717c1a32 by Georg Ringer)
2018-09-14 [BUGFIX] Remove wizard for link fields (Commit bafe6a5c by Georg Ringer)
2018-09-14 [BUGFIX] Fix warning detection for foreign record title #727 (#728) (Commit 247a3862 by Sebastian Michaelsen)
2018-07-25 [BUGFIX] AbstractImportService must not be a singleton (Commit cf107019 by Georg Ringer)
2018-07-25 [BUGFIX] Followup: use correct key (Commit c6722456 by Georg Ringer)
2018-07-25 [FEATURE] Change import method to array (Commit fc62d762 by Georg Ringer)
2018-07-23 [DOC] Clarify where to set config for hrDates (#692) (Commit 961b83a1 by Web-Macher)
2018-07-23 [BUGFIX] Fix news slug updater identifier (#707) (Commit 9ff2c908 by Mathias Brodala)
2018-07-06 [BUGFIX] Add a cache tag for listings without a configured startingpoint (#702) (Commit 106bd01d by bnf)
2018-07-06 [DOC] Add clarification to Changelog for 7.0.0 (#700) (Commit de705d99 by Sybille Peters)
2018-06-27 [BUGFIX] Allow strict_mode of Mysql for archive field (Commit b73b1db9 by Georg Ringer)
2018-06-20 [TASK] Allow 9.3 & 9.4 (Commit 83a61092 by Georg Ringer)
2018-06-19 [BUGFIX] Use instance of TimeTracker instead of $GLOBAL['TT'] (#684) (Commit f2a994ae by Tom Hatzer)
2018-06-15 Change ratio of video in detail view (#678) (Commit 3139db4d by Thomas Löffler)
2018-06-15 also add the localized uid as cache tag (#680) (Commit e9015293 by Marco Pfeiffer)
2018-06-15 Documentation change: fix line numbers in realurl example (#677) (Commit e526eafa by Sybille Peters)

This list has been created by using git log 7.0.5..HEAD –abbrev-commit –pretty=’%ad %s (Commit %h by %an)’ –date=short.