8.1.0 - 28th April 2020 ======================= .. contents:: :local: :depth: 3 Important changes ----------------- The following changes might be important for your installation. Adopt minimum requirements ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If still using TYPO3 9.5, the minimum TYPO3 version is now **9.5.16**. The reason is the class `\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Information\Typo3Information` which is available since this version. Custom ChunkViewHelper ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ViewHelper `Iterator\Chunk` has been copied from EXT:vhs to EXT:news to be independent from other extensions. It allows rendering news items in columns. .. code-block:: html
All Changes ----------- This is a list of all changes in this release: :: 2020-04-28 [TASK] Mention VH remove in docs (Commit 1b70f3de by Georg Ringer) 2020-04-28 [TASK] Allow more versions of rx_shariff in ext_emconf (Commit 62d0cbaa by Georg Ringer) 2020-04-28 [TASK] Allow more versions of rx-shariff (Commit b388b026 by Georg Ringer) 2020-04-28 [TASK] Use Typo3Version (#1239) (Commit b8b8c511 by Georg Ringer) 2020-04-28 [TASK] Add test for ChunkViewHelper (Commit 6ba0aec3 by Georg Ringer) 2020-04-28 [FEATURE] Add VH iterator:chunk (Commit c58b81e4 by Georg Ringer) 2020-04-28 [BUGFIX] Fix redirect to TSconfig configured storage page (#1233) (Commit e8b30d74 by Markus Klein) This list has been created by using `git log 8.0.0..HEAD --abbrev-commit --pretty='%ad %s (Commit %h by %an)' --date=short`.