.. _extensionConfiguration: ======================= Extension Configuration ======================= Some general settings can be configured in the Extension Configuration. #. Go to :guilabel:`Admin Tools > Settings > Extension Configuration` #. Choose :guilabel:`news` The settings are divided into several tabs and described here in detail: .. contents:: Properties :local: :depth: 2 Records ======= .. _extensionConfigurationArchiveDate: Archive Date `archiveDate` -------------------------- .. confval:: archiveDate :type: string (keyword) :Default: date Define how the archive date field should be rendered: `date` Render the field as pure date `datetime` Render it as date and time field Enable a RTE for the teaser field `rteForTeaser` ------------------------------------------------ .. confval:: rteForTeaser :type: bool :Default: 0 If set, the teaser field will be rendered using a RTE. .. _extensionConfigurationTagPid: Define pid of tag records `tagPid` ---------------------------------- .. confval:: tagPid :name: extensionConfigurationTagPid :type: int :Default: 0 New tags can be saved directly inside the news record. The given ID is used as page on which the tag records will be saved. This setting can also be done with TSconfig, see :ref:`tagPid ` If you want to use TsConfig to define the page, set the tagPid to 0 and use the following syntax in TsConfig: :: # Save tags on page with UID 123 tx_news.tagPid = 123 .. _extensionConfigurationPrependAtCopy: Prepend at copy `prependAtCopy` ------------------------------- .. confval:: prependAtCopy :type: bool :Default: 1 If set and a news record is copied, the news record will be prepended with the string **Copy X**. .. _extensionConfigurationCategoryRestriction: Category restriction `categoryRestriction` ------------------------------------------ Category restriction: Restrict the available categories in news records. PageTsConfig:: TCEFORM.tx_news_domain_model_news.categories.PAGE_TSCONFIG_IDLIST=120. .. warning:: This feature is currently under development and not being expected to work! .. _extensionConfigurationCategoryBeGroupTceFormsRestriction: Editor needs to have permissions to all selected categories to save a news item `categoryBeGroupTceFormsRestriction` --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. confval:: categoryBeGroupTceFormsRestriction :type: bool :Default: 0 If activated, an editor needs to have permissions to all categories added to a news item to be able to edit this record. .. _extensionConfigurationContentElementRelation: Use content element relation `contentElementRelation` ----------------------------------------------------- .. confval:: contentElementRelation :type: bool :Default: 1 If set, you can add content elements as relation to a news record. This makes it easy to enrich the news article with further images, plugins, ... If you want to reduce the available options of the content elements, you can use TsConfig in the sysfolder of the news records: :: # Hide content element types TCEFORM.tt_content.CType.removeItems = header,bullets,table,uploads,menu,list,html,login,mailform,search,shortcut,div # Hide fields TCEFORM.tt_content.header.disabled = 1 TCEFORM.tt_content.header_layout.disabled = 1 More information can be found at http://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/TSconfigReference/PageTsconfig/TCEform/Index.html. .. _extensionConfigurationManualSorting: Enable manual sorting of news records `manualSorting` ----------------------------------------------------- .. confval:: manualSorting :type: bool :Default: 0 If set, news records can be manually sorted in the list view by the well known icons "up" and "down". .. _extensionConfigurationDateTimeNotRequired: Disable required date field `dateTimeNotRequired` ------------------------------------------------- .. confval:: dateTimeNotRequired :type: bool :Default: 0 If set, the date field of the news record is not a required field anymore. Furthermore if creating a new record, it is not filled anymore with the current date. Be aware that using this feature may lead to unexpected results if using e.g. the date menu if the field is not used anymore. .. _extensionConfigurationMediaPreview: Show thumbnails in backend list module `mediaPreview` ------------------------------------------------------ .. confval:: mediaPreview :type: bool :Default: false If enabled, the list module will show thumbnails of the media items. This setting is only evaluated for TYPO3 10 as it has been removed for version 11. Use the extension `studiomitte/recordlist-thumbnail` to get it back in v11. .. _extensionConfigurationAdvancedMediaPreview: Advanced preview configuration for media files `advancedMediaPreview` ---------------------------------------------------------------------- .. confval:: advancedMediaPreview :type: bool :Default: 1 If enabled, more options are available for editors defining where an media element should be displayed. .. _extensionConfigurationSlugBehaviour: Slug behaviour `slugBehaviour` ------------------------------ .. confval:: slugBehaviour :type: string, keyword :Default: unique Choose one of the following slug behaviours: uniqueInSite The same slug can be used for news in different sites. Use this setting *only* if no news records are shared between sites. unique The same news title in different sites will lead to different slug names. Backend Module ============== .. _extensionConfigurationShowAdministrationModule: Show administration module `showAdministrationModule` ----------------------------------------------------- .. confval:: showAdministrationModule :type: bool :Default: 1 If set, the backend module "News" is shown. This view might be easier for editors who use a very limited set of features in the backend. .. _extensionConfigurationHidePageTreeForAdministrationModule: Hide page tree for Administration module `hidePageTreeForAdministrationModule` ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. confval:: hidePageTreeForAdministrationModule :type: bool :Default: 0 If set, the backend module "News" is shown without the page tree. In combination with the TsConfig :confval:`redirectToPageOnStart` you can achieve a very simple workflow for editors if those need only to create news records. UID of storage to use when importing files/images `storageUidImporter` ---------------------------------------------------------------------- .. confval:: storageUidImporter :type: int :Default: 1 Define the uid of the storage which is used for importing media elements into FAL relations. .. _extensionConfigurationResourceFolderImporter: In which folder should the importer save files/images (has to exist) `resourceFolderImporter` --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. confval:: resourceFolderImporter :type: string :Default: /news_import Define the folder which is used for the media elements which are imported. Alternative configuration instead of Admin Tools ================================================ Instead of defining the property in the Admin Tools it is also possible to define the properties in the :file:`AdditionalConfiguration.php`. This is useful if you want to include the setting in version control. .. code-block:: php :caption: AdditionalConfiguration.php $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTENSIONS']['news'] = [ 'advancedMediaPreview' => '1', 'archiveDate' => 'date', 'categoryBeGroupTceFormsRestriction' => '0', 'categoryRestriction' => 'none', 'contentElementRelation' => '1', 'dateTimeNotRequired' => '0', 'hidePageTreeForAdministrationModule' => '0', 'manualSorting' => '0', 'prependAtCopy' => '1', 'resourceFolderImporter' => '/news_import', 'rteForTeaser' => '0', 'showAdministrationModule' => '1', 'slugBehaviour' => 'unique', 'storageUidImporter' => '1', 'tagPid' => '1', ];