.. _templatingExamples: ========= Templates ========= .. card-grid:: :columns: 1 :columns-md: 2 :gap: 4 :class: pb-4 :card-height: 100 .. card:: :ref:`Getting started ` on using Fluid templates with EXT:news .. card:: :ref:`Bootstrap Templates ` Include the templates for Twitter Bootstrap version 3 or 5 provided by this extension. .. card:: :ref:`Assorted snippets ` Helpful Fluid Snippets that you can use in your own news templates. .. card:: :ref:`ViewHelpers ` A quick tutorial on how to use ViewHelpers in Fluid .. card:: :ref:`Template Selector ` Use this technique to provide different templates for the list view and enable your editors to chose between them in the plugin settings. .. card:: :ref:`Render content elements ` Influence how content elements used within news records should be rendered. .. card:: :ref:`Group news records ` Group news by a certain property in the output. .. card:: :ref:`Group news records ` Filter news by multiple categories. .. card:: :ref:`overwriteDemand ` Set overwriteDemand in links. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 5 :titlesonly: :hidden: Start/Index TwitterBootstrap/Index Snippets/Index ViewHelpers/Index TemplateSelector/Index RenderContentElements/Index GroupNewsRecords/Index MultiCategorySelection/Index OverwriteDemandInFrontend/Index