This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

SQL examples for Recipient List

SQL can use special markers in query which will be substituted when it makes sense:

Marker registerBounce registerOpen registerClick Description
###EMAIL### replaced by the escaped recipient email address
###BOUNCE_TYPE###     replaced by the bounce type
###BOUNCE_TYPE_SOFT###     constant for soft bounce
###BOUNCE_TYPE_HARD###     constant for hard bounce
###BOUNCE_TYPE_UNSUBSCRIBE###     constant for unsubscribe bounce

General recommendations

When using SQL Recipient List you should try to minimize the amount of data selected. This is because when the newsletter is sent those data will be duplicated (in tx_newsletter_domain_model_email records), hence the database size will increase. To avoid the growth to get out of hand it is strongly recommended to avoid selecting everything such as SELECT * FROM [...].


The following examples may use fields which does not exist by default in database. Be sure to check the query thoroughly.

With extension addresses

We use a new field tx_addresses_domain_model_person.tx_newsletter_bounce to count bounces, up to the value 10. When 10 is reached the recipient will be excluded. Thus we allow for 10 soft bounces, 2 hard bounces or 1 unsubscription before exclusion.

SQL to select recipients:

-- Select recipient without too many bounces
SELECT `email`.`email_address` AS `email`, `person`.*
FROM `tx_addresses_domain_model_person` AS `person`
JOIN `tx_addresses_domain_model_email` AS `email` ON (`person`.`uid` = `email`.`contact`)
WHERE NOT `person`.`deleted` AND NOT `person`.`hidden` AND `person`.`tx_newsletter_bounce` < 10;

SQL to register a bounced email:

UPDATE `tx_addresses_domain_model_person` AS `person`
JOIN `tx_addresses_domain_model_email` AS `email` ON (`person`.`uid` = `email`.`contact`)
-- Increment bounce level
`person`.`tx_newsletter_bounce` = `person`.`tx_newsletter_bounce` + CASE ###BOUNCE_TYPE###
    ELSE 0 END,
-- Hide person in case of unsubscribe
`person`.`hidden` = `person`.`hidden` OR ###BOUNCE_TYPE### = ###BOUNCE_TYPE_UNSUBSCRIBE###

WHERE email_address = ###EMAIL###

With extension tt_address

We do not count bounces, but only exclude recipient on first hard bounce or unsubscribe.

SQL to select recipients:

--Select @tt_address@ records which are stored on page 1, 2 and 3. And also select the page title:
SELECT DISTINCT tt_address.uid,name,address,phone,fax,email,tt_address.title,zip,city,country,www,company,pages.title AS pages_title
FROM pages
INNER JOIN tt_address ON pages.uid =
WHERE pages.uid IN (1, 2, 3)
AND email != ''
AND NOT pages.deleted
AND NOT pages.hidden
AND NOT tt_address.deleted
AND NOT tt_address.hidden

SQL to register a bounced email:

-- delete if it's an unsubscribe request or hard bounce
UPDATE tt_address
SET deleted = 1
WHERE email = ###EMAIL### AND