This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Slack notification

General configuration

The title can be an arbitrary label that will be used to identify the notification in the TYPO3 backend.

A full description can also be added if needed.

Slack tab general


On this tab, an event must be selected among the ones available.


Some events might have a custom configuration. For instance, the event “TYPO3 > Scheduler task was executed” allows to select which specific task will fire the event.

Slack tab event



The current implementation will either use curl or Guzzle depending on the TYPO3 version of the system.

Slack tab channel


The Slack message can be configured on this tab.


This field can use markers that will be replaced by dynamic values before the message is sent. See chapter “Marker” for more information.

Slack tab message

Slack configuration

This tab contains Slack specific options.


In this section, a bot must be selected. It can either be a defined bot or a custom one.

Bots can be defined in the definition:

notiz {
    notifications {
        entitySlack {
            settings {
                bots {
                    pizza {
                        name = Mr Pizza
                        avatar = :pizza:

Slack channel

In this section one or more channels can be selected. Channels can already be defined or be custom for a single notification only.


Each channel is composed out of three options:

label It will be displayed in the backend and can be an LLL:… reference.

The Slack URL which the notification is sent to.

It can be generated by following the official documentation.

target The @user, MEMBER_ID or #slack-channel to send the notification to.


Channels are defined in the definition:

notiz {
    notifications {
        entitySlack {
            settings {
                channels {
                    contact {
                        label = Contact channel
                        webhookUrl =
                        target = #contact
Slack tab slack

The resulting message

Here is an example of what the generated message looks like:

Slack example