.. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. _administrator-definition-file: Add file Definition =================== Using a new definition file requires two steps: 1. Adding a definition file registration in the ``ext_localconf.php`` file of a custom extension. 2. Creating and filling the file with definition values. .. hint:: Sometimes more complex logic may be needed, in that case see chapter “:ref:`administrator-definition-advanced`”. TypoScript definition file -------------------------- .. code-block:: php :caption: ``my_extension/ext_localconf.php`` $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['NotiZ']['Definition']['Source'][\CuyZ\Notiz\Domain\Definition\Builder\Component\Source\TypoScriptDefinitionSource::class][] = 'EXT:my_extension/Configuration/TypoScript/MyCustomDefinition.typoscript'; .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: ``my_extension/Configuration/TypoScript/MyCustomDefinition.typoscript`` notiz { notifications { /* * Modifying the provided email notification settings… */ entityEmail { settings { /* * These recipients will be available by default in every * email notification record. */ globalRecipients { 10 = webmaster@acme.com } } } } eventGroups { /* * We add a new event group for our custom events. */ my_extension { label = Events for My Extension events { /* * Contact form is sent * -------------------- * * This event is bound to a signal sent by the contact * controller. It contains data about the user who submitted * the form, that will be available in the notifications * markers. */ contactFormSent { label = Contact form sent className = MyVendor\MyExtension\Event\ContactFormSentEvent connection { type = signal className = MyVendor\MyContactExtension\Controller\ContactController name = contactFormSent } } } } } }