.. include:: ../Includes.txt ============ Introduction ============ ext:ns_twitter =================== .. figure:: Images/TYPO3_NsTwitter_NITSAN_Banner_Preview.jpg :alt: TYPO3_NsTwitter_NITSAN_Banner_Preview :width: 1100px .. _What-does-it-do: What does it do? ================ Twitter for Websites is a suite of tools bringing Twitter content and functionality to your website page with Like, Retweet and Reply etc., functionality to your tweets directly from your TYPO3 website. [NITSAN] Twitter TYPO3 Extension brings your all twitter timeline tweets to your TYPO3 site so your tweets will not be rate limited at Twitter! .. _Screen-shots: Screen Shot ================ .. figure:: Images/TYPO3_NsTwitter_Extension_NITSAN_Frontend.png :alt: screenshot "TYPO3_NsTwitter_Extension_NITSAN_Frontend" :width: 1100px :class: with-shadow