This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Real URL

The Organiser has PHP-include-scripts for Real URL.


Extension Manager

Configure Real URL:

Modul > Admin Tools > Extensions > Speaking URLs for TYPO3 (realurl)

  • Path to configuration file: typo3conf/realurl_conf.php
  • Enable automatic configuration: [ ] <- disabled

Enable Real URL

If you are using the framework TYPO3 Start Responsive! (start):

  • Constant Editor: START - CONFIG
    • Real URL: [X]

In the other case configure the setup of your root template:

config.tx_realurl_enable = 1


If file doesn’t exist, create it. Copy the snippet from below into your file. Adapt the domains and page uids to your needs.

$rootPids = array(
  // '[domainName]' => [pageUid],  <- Sample for the syntax
  '' => 1,              // Sample for one domain
  '' => 312,          // Sample for another domain
// Configuration in general
include_once 'ext/org/Resources/Private/Includes/EXTCONF/Realurl/10_DEFAULT.php';
// Configuration for the Organiser (here: German)
include_once 'ext/org/Resources/Private/Includes/EXTCONF/Realurl/20_DEFAULT/De/postVarSets.php';
// Configuration of other extensions
// ...
// Enable the configuration for your domains
include_once 'ext/org/Resources/Private/Includes/EXTCONF/Realurl/30_domains.php';

Flush your chash.

Check it!

Modul > System > Configuration: $GLOBALS[‘TYPO3_CONF_VARS’] (Global Configuration)

  • EXTCONF > realurl

There must be an array like
