# Page List **TYPO3 CMS extension for easy to configure teasers, news lists, product pages etc.** ## System requirements - TYPO3 8.7 LTS ā€“ 9.* - fluid_styled_content ## Features - List of sub pages - List of selected pages - List of pages in category - Set start from, limit and sort by - Easy to add custom templates ## Installation - From TER: **pagelist**, or composer: **t3brightside/pagelist** - Include static template after fluid_styled_content ## Usage Add as any other content element. Select desired template in content element settings. ## Admin ### Add custom template **PageTS** Add new template number '3' and name it: ```typoscript TCEFORM.tt_content.tx_pagelist_template.addItems { 3 = My New Template } ``` **TypoScript** Change constants: ```typoscript pagelist.styles = EXT:pagelist/Resources/Public/Styles/pagelist.css pagelist.templateRootPaths = EXT:pagelist/Resources/Private/Templates/ pagelist.partialRootPaths = EXT:pagelist/Resources/Private/Partials/ ``` **Fluid** Add new section wheres IF condition determines template nr '3' to: _Resources/Private/Templates/Pagelist.html_ ```html
``` Create new partial: _Resources/Private/Partials/MyNewTemplate.html_ ## Sources - [GitHub][a47ab545] - [Packagist][40819ab1] - [TER][15e0f507] [a47ab545]: https://github.com/t3brightside/pagelist "GitHub" [40819ab1]: https://packagist.org/packages/t3brightside/pagelist "Packagist" [15e0f507]: https://extensions.typo3.org/extension/pagelist/ "Typo3 Extension Repository" Development and maintenance --------------------------- [Brightside OƜ][ab26eed2] ā€“ TYPO3 specialized web agency [ab26eed2]: https://t3brightside.com/ "TYPO3 specialized web agency"