This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.


You can change the following values by the Constant-Editor:

  • Wrap
  • Write the fileinfo outside or within the a-tag

By default, the following file-extensions are considered:

  • pdf
  • doc
  • xls
  • zip
  • mp3
  • mp4

You can expand this list by typoscript. Here you see the whole typoscript, which comes from the extension:

tx_pb_fileinfo {

    enable = 1
    wrap = {$tx_pb_fileinfo.wrap}
    # inner: within the a-tag
    # outer: outside the a-tag
    mode = {$tx_pb_fileinfo.mode}
        # on the left-side: file-extension
        # %s is the placeholder for the filesize
        pdf = (Pdf-file, %s)
        doc = (Word-file, %s)
        xls = (Excel-file, %s)
        zip = (Zip-file, %s)
        mp3 = (MP3-file, %s)
        mp4 = (MP4-file, %s)

[globalVar = GP:L=0]
tx_pb_fileinfo {

        pdf = (Pdf-Datei, %s)
        doc = (Word-Datei, %s)
        xls = (Excel-Datei, %s)
        zip = (Zip-Datei, %s)
        mp3 = (MP3-Datei, %s)
        mp4 = (MP4-Datei, %s)

[globalVar = GP:L=1]
tx_pb_fileinfo {

        pdf = (Pdf-file, %s)
        doc = (Word-file, %s)
        xls = (Excel-file, %s)
        zip = (Zip-file, %s)
        mp3 = (MP3-file, %s)
        mp4 = (MP4-file, %s)


%s is the placeholder for the calculated filesize.

Note: This is not the most beautiful way to distinguish between the languages, but there is more flexibility to add new file-extensions. You just have to adjust your ids from your sys-language-records.