This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

EXT:news integration

The extension pdfviewhelpers ships with a PDF template for EXT:news. You can use the default template provided or customize it in any way.

Enable default template

To enable the default template you have to include the static TypoScript template pdfviewhelpers - EXT:news. All the TypoScript settings that are needed are limited to the special page type 28032013. In order to link to the PDF view you have to include this page type in the link generation:

<n:link newsItem="{newsItem}" settings="{settings}" title="{newsItem.title}" configuration="{additionalParams: '&type=28032013'}">
        Download as PDF

Customising the PDF

Most of the typography aspects can be changed solely through TypoScript configuration by changing the existing text types (see also text types). Please make sure that all your configuration is limited to the page type 28032013.

[globalVar = TSFE:type = 28032013]
        plugin.tx_pdfviewhelpers.settings {
                text {
                        types {
                                teaser {
                                        fontStyle = regular
                                        fontSize = 16
                                footer {
                                        alignment = center
                headline {
                        types {
                                title {
                                        color = #ff642c

        module.tx_pdfviewhelpers < plugin.tx_pdfviewhelpers

If you need to change the layout or extend the header and footer content, you can provide your own Fluid template that is located in EXT:yourext/Resources/Private/Templates/Extensions/News/Templates/News/Detail.html:

[globalVar = TSFE:type = 28032013]
        plugin.tx_news {
                view {
                        templateRootPaths {
                                5 = EXT:yourext/Resources/Private/Templates/Extensions/News/Templates/