# Personnel **TYPO3 CMS extension for personnel list with vCard support.** ## System requirements - TYPO3 8.7 LTS ā€“ 9.* - fluid_styled_content ## Features - List of persons from pages - List of selected persons - Sort by - Easy to add custom templates ## Installation - Install from TER: **personnel** or Composer: **t3brightside/personnel** - Add static template - Set **config.absRefPrefix** in your page template in order to make base64 images work in vCard (and it shouldn't be just / but a real domain name) ## Admin ### Add custom template **PageTS** Add new template number '2' and name it: ```typoscript TCEFORM.tt_content.tx_personnel_template.addItems { 2 = My New Template } ``` **TypoScript** Change constants: ```typoscript personnel.styles = EXT:personnel/Resources/Public/Styles/personnel.css personnel.templateRootPaths = EXT:personnel/Resources/Private/Templates/ personnel.partialRootPaths = EXT:personnel/Resources/Private/Partials/ personnel.vCard.templateRootPaths = EXT:personnel/Resources/Private/Templates/ personnel.vCard.CompanyName = Example Company Ltd. ``` **Fluid** Add new section wheres IF condition determines template nr '2' to: _Resources/Private/Templates/Personnel.html_ ```html ``` Create new partial: _Resources/Private/Partials/MyNewTemplate.html_ ## Development and maintenance [Brightside OƜ](https://t3brightside.com/) ā€“ TYPO3 development & hosting specialized web agency