This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

TYPO3 Extension: proxycachemanager

A flexible and generic way to track the pages that are cached by a reverse proxy like nginx or varnish.

What does it do?

Embracing TYPO3s Caching Framework this extension provides a new cache to track all pages outputted that are cacheable. When an editor changes content on a page, the page cache needs to be cleared - and the reverse proxy needs to be informed that the cache is invalid. This is usually done via a HTTP PURGE request to the proxy server. The benefits for that are that the editor does not need to worry why out-of-date information is still visible on his/her website.


  • A TYPO3 setup (6.2+) with cacheable content, see the "cacheinfo" extension for what can be tracked with HTTP caches.
  • Either nginx or varnish configured to proxy the TYPO3 system. For nginx, make sure that nginx is compiled to allow to flush caches via HTTP PURGE (see #### for more information).


Install the extension and make sure to enter the detail about your proxy servers, otherwise the default (IENV:TYPO3_REV_PROXY) is used.

Don't forget to set the according TYPO3 settings for using proxies, see $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['reverseProxyIP'] and $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['reverseProxyHeaderMultiValue'].

Whenever a cacheable frontend page is now called, the full URL is stored in a cache called "tx_proxy" automatically (a derivative of the Typo3DatabaseBackend cache), tagged with the pageID. Whenever the cache is flushed, the database table is emptied completely, additionally, a HTTP PURGE call to the reverse proxy is made to empty all caches. If only a certain tag is removed, the PURGE call is made only to the relevant URLs that are stored in the cache.


The extension was created taken all the great from Andreas Gellhaus, Tom Rüther into account, as well as moc_varnish and cacheinfo as great work before.