This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

EXT: Mobile devices detection

Description:The keywords help with categorizing and tagging of the manuals. You can combine two or more keywords and add additional keywords yourself. Please use at least one keyword from both lists. If your manual is NOT in english, see next tab "language" ---- forEditors (use this for editors / german "Redakteure") forAdmins (use this for Administrators) forDevelopers (use this for Developers) forBeginners (manuals covering TYPO3 basics) forIntermediates (manuals going into more depth) forAdvanced (covering the most advanced TYPO3 topics) ----
Keywords:smartphone detection, tablet detection, mobile device detection, forDevelopers, forAdmins
Author:Documentation Team

img-1 img-2 EXT: Mobile devices detection

Extension Key: px_mobiledetect

Language: en

Version: 1.0.0

Keywords: smartphone detection, tablet detection, mobile device detection, forDevelopers, forAdmins

Copyright 2012, Alexander Tretyak, <Alexander.Tretyak@pixabit->

This document is published under the Open Content License

available from

The content of this document is related to TYPO3

- a GNU/GPL CMS/Framework available from

Table of Contents

`EXT: Mobile devices detection 1 <#__RefHeading__5708_1738894311>`_

`Introduction 3 <#__RefHeading__5710_1738894311>`_

What does it do? 3

`Users manual 4 <#__RefHeading__467_413120346>`_

Brief overview 4

Example 4

Important note 4

`Configuration 5 <#__RefHeading__31515_818911409>`_



What does it do?

This extension helps to detect visitor’s mobile device class (if that’s tablet or mobile device like smartphone). The main idea of creating of this extension was a possibility to have rendering for mobile devices different from rendering for tablets and different for desktops rendering.

Notice, that detection relies on external library called Mobile_Detect (see

Users manual


Brief overview

This extension is quite simple to use. After installing it, you will get two new TypoScript conditions, which will help you to distinguish mobile phones and tablets.

[userFunc = user_isMobile]
#some processing
page.100 = TEXT
page.100.value = |mobile|

[userFunc = user_isTablet]
#some processing
page.100 = TEXT
page.100.value = |tablet|
Important note

IsTablet should always override settings from isMobile, because of tablet is recognised as mobile too.


After installing this extension, the workflow goes as follows — just set up invocation user_isMobile or user_isTablet methods, which are implemented in ext_localconf.php file of this extension. You can find example of this above.