This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Introduction to Shopware connector

This extension connects the shopware shopsystem with TYPO3 CMS. It retrieves data from shopware REST-API and provides many frontend plugins to show or list shopware data like articles, categories, etc on your TYPO3 website.

The extension was build from scratch and is based on a clean extensible architecture. Extbase and Fluid were used for the implementation of the frontend plugins. Shopware data will be cached via TYPO3`s caching framework to prevent multiple uneccessary API-Calls and also boost up the frontend rendering.

Shopware-Plugins: add Articel und Categories


The px_shopware TYPO3 extension needs the Shopware plugin “TYPO3-Connector” in your shop system. Download the plugin here from our github reposititory.

Feature List

  • list and show articles and categories
  • link articles and categories (only with shopware plugin “TYPO3-Connector” possible)
  • backend toolbar to show the current state of the shopware connection
  • autosuggest wizard to search shopware articles and categories from TYPO3-Backend
  • caching of API requests based on TYPO3 caching framework
  • TYPO3 menu rendering from shopware category tree
  • solr-indexer to index and display shopware articles and categories with typo3-solr
  • automatic invalidation of cache entries after modification of articles or categories on SW side
  • automatic update of solr index after modification of articles or categories on SW side


  • list and show more shopware resources like manufacturers
  • adding more unit tests to increase quality