This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.


  1. Please make sure that your site provides jQuery, and that it includes jQuery in the HEAD. The latter is necessary for the FE editor.
  2. In the install tool, set MAIL > defaultMailFromAddress and MAIL > defaultMailFromName.
  3. Make sure that you use UTF-8 in the BE and FE. Otherwise, the OpenImmo import won’t work properly, and the FE output might be broken.
  4. If you want to use the offerers list view, make sure that the sf_register or sr_feuser_register extension is installed.
  5. Install the required extensions mkforms, static_info_tables and oelib, which are available in the TER or from Packagist.
  6. Install the Realty Manager extension.
  7. In the Extension Manager, make sure that “Configuration check” is checked. This will aid you in quickly configuring the extension.
  8. You don’t need to set the other values in the Extension Manager yet (they’re used for the OpenImmo import).
  9. Include the Realty Manager static template in your TypoScript template under “Include static (from extensions).”
  10. In your TS setup, please set config.language and config.locale_all so the extension will use the correct language in the front end.
  11. Clear all caches.
  12. If the front-end labels of the extension are in English instead of your configured language, please deleted the following files/directories:
    • typo3temp/realty-l10n-*.zip
    • typo3conf/l10n/*/realty/
  13. This extension provides a RealURL auto-configuration. If you are using the auto-generated RealURL configuration, you need to re-generate it.