This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.


Upgrading from version 2.x.y to 3.x.y

  1. Note: The separate image thumbnails have been removed.
  2. Note: The image position setting has been removed. If you are using a customized HTML template, please remove the IMAGES_POSITION_* subparts.
  3. The image cleanup Scheduler task has been removed as it no longer needed with the change to FAL. If you are using this Scheduler task, please delete it.
  4. Install the latest versions of the oelib and static_info_tables extensions.
  5. Update the realty extension.
  6. Please note that the districts now are visible via IRRE within the cities in the BE. Unused districts that have no city assigned will not be visible anymore.
  7. The images and documents have been converted to FAL. Please run the update function for the realty extension in the extension manager to convert your data. This will also assign the districts to the cities.
  8. The previous/next buttons have been removed to allow for better caching and to enable more speaking URLs. Please remove the FIELD_WRAPPER_NEXTPREVIOUSBUTTONS subpart from your HTML template, replace “###BACK_URL###” with “#” and re-save the single view content element one time to update the flexforms data.