.. include:: Images.txt .. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. ================================================== .. DEFINE SOME TEXTROLES .. -------------------------------------------------- .. role:: underline .. role:: typoscript(code) .. role:: ts(typoscript) :class: typoscript .. role:: php(code) Create the list view ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #. Create or choose a front-end page which will contain the list of your realty objects. Set this page to “don’t cache”. |img-12| *Figure 12: Create or choose a front-end page which will contain the list of your realty objects* #. |img-13| *Figure 13: create the a content element: Plugins > Realty Manager.* On the list view page, create the a content element: Plugins > Realty Manager. #. For “What should be displayed”, select “Realty list”. #. As a starting point, select the system folder for realty objects. (This can also be done using TS setup instead of in the flexforms.) If you would like to have the contents of more than one folder listed, you can either select all those folders or a parent folder and then set the recursion depth. #. |img-14| *Figure 14: select the system folder for realty objects* Select the page for the single view. (This can also be done using TS setup instead of in the flexforms.) #. Select the page for the favorites view. #. Enable Google Maps in the Google Maps tab if you like. (See “Use GoogleMaps” section for further details.) #. Save and close. If needed, you can create more lists view pages, i.e. one for houses, one for apartments etc. They can either have separate single view pages (so that the root line and the navigation markers still show the corresponding list view page) or you can use the same single view page for all list views. It is recommended to create separate list view pages for realties to rent and to buy.