.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _admin-manual: Administrator Manual ==================== Target group: **Administrators** This extension is easy to install and to configure. It depends on the powermail extension but it can be installed without powermail, because it adds only ViewHelpers. .. _admin-installation: Installation ------------ To install the extension, perform the following steps: #. Go to the Extension Manager #. Install static_info_tables for English country names and execute the #. Install other static_info_tables extensions (see all on :ref:`What does it do `) #. Execute the update scripts after installation of a static_info_tables extension for each extension to add the database entries! #. Install the extension reint_powermail_country .. figure:: ../Images/Administrator/installation.jpg :width: 800px :alt: Installation of static_info_tables Installation of static_info_tables Execute the update script after installation of a static_info_tables extension .. _admin-configuration: Configuration ------------- #. Go to your country select template e.g. /yourPowermailTemplatesPath/Partials/Form/Country.html #. Insert the new namespace and change the select field like in the example below #. Do not change the template in the powermail extension folder, because after an update you will loose it!!! **Example Country.html template:** :: {namespace vh=In2code\Powermail\ViewHelpers} {namespace rvh=RENOLIT\ReintPowermailCountry\ViewHelpers} {vh:Form.Countries()} will try to get the country list from the extension static_info_tables (and _de, _fr etc...) If static_info_tables is not installed, a static list of countries and the ISO3 code will be shown in frontent If you want to change sorting, Value or Label, please install static_info_tables
Only the new namespace was added at the top: **{namespace rvh=RENOLIT\ReintPowermailCountry\ViewHelpers}** And the options for the country select field have to be changed: **{rvh:Form.Countries(key:'isoCodeA3',value:'officialNameLocal',sortbyField:'isoCodeA3',sorting:'asc',other:'1')}** **Example setting to output only defined countries:** :: plugin.tx_reintpowermailcountry { settings { countriesAllowed = {$plugin.tx_reintpowermailcountry.settings.countriesAllowed} } }