.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _admin-manual: Installation ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Download or import the reCAPTCHA extension """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" First you should download the extension either as a T3X file, that you can import with the Extension Manager, or directly from the TER by using the repository import features of the Extension Manager. Include static template(s) """""""""""""""""""""""""" To get reCAPTCHA working in frontend, you should include the static template that is provided with the extenion. To do so, follow the steps below: - Edit your main TypoScript template record of your website - In the select box *Include static (from extensions)*, add the template reCAPTCHA. Get a reCAPTCHA API Key """"""""""""""""""""""" To use reCAPTCHA on your website, you need a reCAPTCHA API key. To get this key, visit https://www.google.com/recaptcha/ and register a website. You need the Site Key and Secret Key that are generated by Google. Configure extension """"""""""""""""""" To setup the extension, we need the Site Key and Secret Key that are generated in the previous step. Follow the steps below: - Edit your main TypoScript template record of your website - Add the following constants (replace [siteKey] and [secretKey] with the values created on the reCAPTCHA website): :: plugin.tx_powermail.settings.reCAPTCHA { siteKey = [siteKey] secretKey = [secretKey] } After these settings are done, you can add the reCAPTCHA field to your form. See :ref:`usage` to implement reCAPTCHA in your forms. Translation """"""""""" If you want to add your own translations, you can do this by adding them via TypoScript. You can use the following TypoScript to override the default translations: :: plugin.tx_rhrecaptcha._LOCAL_LANG.de { validation { possible_robot = My new text } }