.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. ================================================== .. DEFINE SOME TEXTROLES .. -------------------------------------------------- .. role:: underline .. role:: typoscript(code) .. role:: ts(typoscript) :class: typoscript .. role:: php(code) .. highlight:: ts TypoScript Reference ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. ### BEGIN~OF~TABLE ### .. container:: table-row Property useOneTreeMethod Data type boolean Description If true, the One-Tree-Method will be used, otherwise the Multiple- Trees concept is chosen. See the manual for more information about these two concepts. Default 1 .. container:: table-row Property multipleTreesRootPages Data type array of isocodes Description When using the Multiple-Trees-Method, you have to define the different languages which are available throughout your website. You do that by using ISO codes for the languages and pointing them to the appropriate page id. Example: :: multipleTreesRootPages { de = 216 en = 120 es = 482 } Default (see TypoScript file) .. container:: table-row Property defaultLang Data type string Description Set this to the ISO code of your default language (L=0) :: plugin.tx_rlmplanguagedetection_pi1 { defaultLang = de } Default (empty) .. container:: table-row Property dontAddSchemeToURL Data type boolean Description When the URI is built for redirecting to a different page, the URL is parsed through a function which adds the correct scheme. I.e. *246.0.html?L=1* will be transformed to *http://example.com/246.0.html?L=1* This behavior makes sense of course, but you might have a certain environment (some testing setup) where you want to disable this feature. In that case, set dontAddSchemeToURL to 1. For most people it's safe to leave setting as is. Default 0 .. container:: table-row Property useLanguageAliases Data type boolean Description Enables selecting preferred language from a list. E.g.: If user's preference of Swedish language is not available, the script will test for languages from a customizable list of relatives. Default 1 .. container:: table-row Property languageAliases Data type array of strings Description Preferred language alternatives (iso 2 char codes). Feel free to suggest language preferences which can be included in future versions of this extension. Example: :: ... languageAliases { no = dk,sv dk = no,sv sv = no,dk } To make this setting work also after the first page, remember to set this TypoScript: :: config.sys\_language\_mode= content\_fallback; *{list}* Where {list} is a comma separated list of the order in which you want languages to be tested, e.g.: 1,0 (tests for content translations in language UID 1 before 0) Default | no = dk,sv | dk = no,sv | sv = no,dk .. container:: table-row Property dontBreakIfLanguageIsAlreadySelected Data type boolean Description If set, the script will still run if language is already selected. NB! May lead to infinite loop. Default 0 .. container:: table-row Property dontBreakIfLastPageWasOnSite Data type boolean Description If set, the script will still run if the referring page was on the same site. NB! May lead to infinite loop. Default 0 .. container:: table-row Property dontBreakIfLanguageAlreadySelected Data type boolean Description If set, the script will still run if the language detection has already been processed before. Default 0 .. container:: table-row Property testOrder Data type string Description Comma separated list of tests to run to find the user's language. - browser: Checks the browser's language settings - ip: Finds the language of the country of the IP address. First checks TypoScript countryCodeToLanguageCode, then static\_info\_tables' lg\_collate\_language for a country code. - And any hook value. Default browser,ip .. container:: table-row Property limitToLanguages Data type string Description Comma separated list of ISO 2 char language codes (e.g.: "en" or "en-us") that are the only ones which should be considered. If left empty, this setting is ignored. This setting can be overruled by excludeLanguages. Default (empty) .. container:: table-row Property excludeLanguages Data type string Description Comma separated list of ISO 2 char language codes (e.g.: "en" or "en-us") that should be excluded from being considered. If left empty, this setting is ignored. This setting has priority over limitToLanguages. Default (empty) .. container:: table-row Property allowedParams Data type string Description Comma separated list of allowed params to pass to the redirect. The parameters "id", "MP", and "type" are passed anyway. Default (empty) .. container:: table-row Property countryCodeToLanguageCode Data type array of strings Description Used by the IP country check. This list converts a country code into the preferred language code for users from that country. Example: :: ... countryCodeToLanguageCode { us = en gb = en nz = en } Default *(see TypoScript)* .. container:: table-row Property useOldOneTreeConcept Data type boolean Description Use the old One-Tree concept where the name of the Website Language records specifies the language code. Also should be used for TYPO3 version below 7. Default 0 .. container:: table-row Property languageGPVar Data type string Description The string to use for the language parameter in URLs. Default L .. container:: table-row Property dieAtEnd Data type boolean Description If redirection is required it is not performed, processing just stops (user will see empty screen instead of a page). If no redirection is required (e.g. language is explicitly specified in URL) all works as usual. This option can be used for debug purposes, never use it in production environment. Default 0 .. container:: table-row Property cookieLifetime Data type integer Description Lifetime (in seconds) of a cookie that stores selected language. If set to zero, TYPO3 session will be used as a storage. If set to something below zero, nothing will be stored and language will be detected each time user access the site. Default 0 .. container:: table-row Property pathToDatabaseForGeoIPData Data type string Description Path to the GeoIP database file, which must be stored locally. One free GeoIP database file can be found on the `website of Maxmind`_. For more details look to the :ref:`NetGeoIP`. Default (empty) .. _website of Maxmind: http://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/legacy/geolite/ .. ###### END~OF~TABLE ######